

6 Surprising Symptoms of a Heart Disease

    Heart disease is the leading cause of premature death in the United States.  Timely diagnosis of heart disease decreases the risk of lethal outcome significantly. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the symptoms that heart disease may cause. But most people haven’t been educated well about heart disease symptoms. While this condition may cause sharp pain in the chest, there is a wide variety of mild symptoms that can be a precursor to heart problems. 

    Here you can find 6 less-known symptoms of heart disease that can help save your life. 

    1. Shoulder pain

    Pain and numbness in the shoulders are the most common symptoms of a heart attack. If you experience shoulder pain, especially on the left side, you shouldn’t ignore it. Of course, this symptom can develop because of everyday wear and tear or injury. But if the pain spreads from your chest to the shoulder and moves down to the fingers, you need to call 911. The pain may spread to your jaw and neck as well. 

    If you experience this symptom, call the doctor immediately because it can be a sign of a heart attack. In the case of a heart attack, early diagnosis can be lifesaving. 

    2. Extreme thirst

    Most adults in the United States drink less than 11 cups of water per day. This can make you feel thirsty sometimes. But a constant thirst that never goes away can be a warning sign of heart problems. The combination of gastrointestinal upset and poor appetite that often develops because of heart disease can make you feel thirsty even if you've just drank several cups of water. 

    If you constantly experience thirst, don’t hesitate to visit your doctor. Extreme thirst can also indicate other serious conditions like diabetes. Diabetes is a major risk factor for heart and circulatory problems. 

    3. Heaviness in the chest

    The signs of heart disease are almost always subtle. Instead of sharp pain, you may experience heaviness or pressure in the chest. But the discomfort isn’t ever enough to call it pain. The feeling of heaviness often locates in the center of the chest. 

    If you feel pressure or heaviness in the chest, you need to contact your doctor. The specialist can suggest tests like an electrocardiogram, blood tests, or imaging studies to find the root cause of the chest heaviness. 

    4. Leg swelling

    Walking all day on high heels or in uncomfortable shoes can make anyone's legs and feet swollen. But if your legs are constantly swollen without reason, this can be a warning sign of heart disease. When your heart cannot pump blood as it should, this can cause edema accumulation in the lower extremities. 

    If your legs and ankles are constantly swollen without a reason, get it checked by your doctor to see what might be the cause of the problem. 

    5. Heart palpitations

    Heart palpitations are a feeling of abnormal or skipped heartbeats. Sometimes this sensation can develop only in certain positions, like lying on the left side. Heart palpitations don’t always indicate a serious heart problem. But you still need to check it with your doctor because it can be a symptom of a condition like atrial fibrillation. 

    You need to call your doctor immediately if palpitations are accompanied by symptoms like lightheadedness, fainting, shortness of breath, or chest pain. If you have all these symptoms, this can be a precursor to a life-threatening condition. 

    6. Loss of appetite

    Loss of appetite is another common symptom of heart disease. Because of persistent nausea and fatigue, people with heart disease often cannot get enough calories and nutrients. Some people can feel full even if they have eaten very little. This symptom often develops due to edema build-up around the liver and intestines. 

    If you notice any major changes in your appetite or experience digestion problems, you need to contact your doctor. The specialist can determine whether heart disease is the cause. 

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