Tips for Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

    Summer is long gone as the leaves have started to change, and most likely, your skin has, too. The changing of seasons can affect almost any skin type. The environment can also wreak havoc on how your skin, hair, and nails react to your current routine, as it will likely have to be altered for the winter months. An unhealthy lifestyle can affect what goes on inside your body and start to show in your appearance. Signs like dull complexion, dry hair, and brittle nails are all telltale signs that you require some TLC. Don't panic, as healthy nails, hair, and skin can all be achieved with just a few tweaks in your daily routine. Whether it is a daily jog or sleeping with an eye mask, you will find some easy tips below to tackle any problem you may encounter.


    Most of us are well aware that biting and chewing on our nails is a no-no since it can cause damage to not only the nail bed but the tissue around it. Chewing can weaken your nails and increase the risk of infection. A little-known fact: biting your nails can cause your teeth to shift. You can also develop hangnails or ingrown toenails, which usually occur in the corner of your foot and grow into the flesh. It is a good idea to keep an ingrowing toenail kit around the house. Biting your nails can be a tough habit to break, but you'll be so glad you did.

    Some tips for stopping if you aren't up for going cold turkey is trying anti-biting nail polish like Sally Hansen Ingrown or placing your fingers in salt. Some dermatologists even suggest snapping a rubber band on your wrist. Staying mindful that you are putting extra germs into your body every time you bite one of your nails may also help. Even though it may be your trillionth time trying to quit, and there may be some discomfort in the beginning as you try to break the bad habit, your nails will thank you in the long run. By having a nail buffer kit by your side, you will grow and strengthen your nails and treat cuticles, all while getting a natural nail shine that lasts.


    The epidermis goes through a lot of wear and tear as you live your daily life. Whether it is too much time in the sun, monthly BOTOX injections, or a regretful tattoo, there are effective treatments to get your skin back to a healthier place. If you've been Googling "tattoo removal in Iowa," you already know that you will probably need a few treatment sessions. Choosing to get a tattoo, in general, can harm your epidermis and dermis. A tattoo also comes with a variety of possible health risks since the procedure breaks the skin barrier. The wide range of pigments currently used in tattoo inks may also create unforeseen health problems.

    To keep your skin glowing, the key is to stay hydrated. By making sure you drink water daily, you will gain better skin elasticity and help maintain optimum skin moisture. You will also be assisting the nutrients in circulating to the skin cells.


    Having healthy and luxurious hair starts with a good bedtime routine. Choosing to sleep on a satin pillowcase will not only make you feel like royalty but stop your hair from frizzing as the fabric allows your hair to slide across the surface. The pillowcase will also help lock in moisture to your hair and skin. It is also important to get your hair cut regularly to stop any split ends in their tracks.

    If you follow these tips, you will be seeing a glow-up when it comes to your hair, nails, and skin in no time.

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