Where have I been!?

    It has been a while since I wrote something or record. I needed a break because I didn't feel mentally good. Personal care need to come first in order that you can function normally, at least in my case.

    Number of times I would like to start recording beauty video or new look, but when I finished and editing too I did not feel that I'm happy something was missing. After, a few weeks I did know what was bordering me. I could not look again in the mirror ... Unconsciously, depression starts kicking in ... That was not a good sign for me .. I needed to do something about it. Otherwise, I could feel what is coming up. So, I decided to start 30 days challenge.. Small goal, let me see how I will felt after 30 days.

    What do you do when you hit your bottom? Also, please let me know if you want to read more about these kinds of stuff?

    You need to respect yourself first in other to other treat you with respect.

    Read more: Whre have I been

    Background of my journey

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