You're Only Limit Is Your Own Mind

    Hello everyone .

    I hope you're all well.

    Tonight I wanted to blog about a topic that I feel is very important to someone who is just trying to simply get somewhere in life.

    When I started blogging in April 2019 i started out with the intention of just reaching out to the world and hoping someone would listen.

    People blog for all sorts of reasons and each one is unique and important.

    Human thought process is a tricky subject because some people find it easier to express emotions through writing rather than actual face to face interaction.

    It's just how it is.

    I'm speaking for the majority of people here who are just simply content in living their own lives.

    At the end of the day we are all just trying to make something out of our lives.

    The trouble is some people like others to fit inside the box as soon as you start to evolve you find out who your true friends really are.

    Progress doesn't change a human, ego changes humans.

    You can remain humble but also be successful without the ego.

    Some of the most incredibly talented people we're deemed insane for just simply thinking outside the box.

    Take One of the most influential scientists in history, Isaac Newton who was also one of the quirkiest scientists ever known.

    People thought he was as mad as a box of frogs when it came to his experiments but his findings where remarkable.

    He went on to do amazing things.

    What I'm trying to say is that nothing changes if you allow the thoughts and opinions of others stand in you way of success

    Some people won't understand your journey and that's ok it's not meant for them it's you're path.

    Never ever give up opportunites just through fear of what others think.

    Not everyone is meant to understand you or like you.

    Just do your thing without seeking validation from others.

    The only opinion you should listen to is your own.

    I've grown after dealing with constant issues with my own self growth who I've become doesn't affect my ability to care and show love for others it just shows me how important it is to give some of that love back to myself.

    And for that I will never be sorry for.

    Great things don't come from same old places it comes from change and self love.

    Whatever your doing in life to progress and evolve be proud of yourself and know that you supported yourself in times when others didn't.

    Love to you all

    Stay strong and humble

    Stacie 💪❤️❤️💕





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