

Off-Shoulder Shirts Trend

    New trend, tip, or just a way to wear a simple shirt. You name it.

    I love shirts, especially the oversized ones, and I wear them regularly a few times a week.

    I would always search for ways to make it look more interestingly, for example I would use belts, scarfs, brooches, etc. 

    And then, I tried out something very cool - just to move it down to my shoulder. I believe this is the perfect look for summer walk, a date, and even to go to work, if putting it a bit higher (obviously, depends on your job)

    To summarize it, I'm in love with it! And, while it's warm I use this tip quite often;)

    P.S. In order to be able to do it, just don't close all the buttons.

    Have you tried it already?;)

    xoxo Julia

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