Terms of Service
Pleasecarefully read and agree to the following Terms of Service Agreement ("ToS")before using the Software. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions ofthis ToS, do not use this site or services. By continuing you agree thatyou have read, understood, and accepted this terms and conditions.
This Terms of Service (ToS) establishes your rights and obligations regardingthe use of the Brands (Brand Category), it tools and that ofFashionPotluck.com, in part or in whole, provided by the Service Provider,Level Plane Media B.V. (hereinafter referred to as also “Fashion Potluck”).
This ToS is a legal agreement between You and Fashion Potluck, and replaces allformer verbal or written agreements between the two parties.The Parties:ThisEnd-User License Agreement is enteredinto by the Social Media Platform Provider Level Plane Media B.V. hereinreferred as Fashion Potluck, FashionPotluck.com, or Service Provider,incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands and registered under the DutchChamber of Commerce under the number 66143349,And, The User, hereby referred to as any adult woman, man age 18 years orolder, or Legal Business entity or Organization resident of any country orregion in planet Earth, hereto referred to as You, Client, Agency, Brand Owner,Entity responsible.
FashionPotluck reserves all rights to the programing code and all the media assetsused on FashionPotluck.com and all its different categories including the BrandCategory (including but not limited to images, animations, videos, audio, andtext), including its ownership. Also, the Software is protected by all relatedlaws, such as copyright and intellectual property laws, and internationaltreaties. You acknowledge and agree that except for the limited licenseexpressly granted herein, this ToS does not grant any intellectual propertyrights in or licenses over FashionPotluck.com, its data, programing code, normedia contained therein. FashionPotluck.com may incorporate material licensedfrom third parties and as such, copying or distributing any of the programingcode, media or services offered will also violate third party intellectualproperty and rights.
1. The client,user, agency that uses FashionPotluck.com for posting, publishing, interactingwith others, its brand category and any tool within it, as well as any parts ofthe Fashion Potluck platform in part or in whole will retain the writes to thecontent posted.
2. You as theclient, user, agency grant FashionPotluck.com, its brand Fashion Potluck, aswell as its owner company Level Plane Media B.V. a worldwide, non-exclusive,royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable license to use that Content(including the right to reproduce, distribute, modify, redistribute thatContent) for the purpose of running, promoting and improving the Service.
3. The licensesgranted by you will remain in effect until the Content is removed or Deleted byFashion Potluck.
4. You may NOTuse this Service to view or listen to Content for non-personal, commercial usesuch as broadcasting/streaming video or sound files and/or real time.5. You may NOTuse this service to sell Advertisement or Sponsorships of other parties. Youmay only use this service to display your own, proprietary owned products andservices.
You may use FashionPotluck.com,its brand category or all other categories to post (publish) new materialwithin your own channel, comment and engage with users, and share contentcreated within the platform. You agree that you have the obligation to use FashionPotluck’s site and services in accordance with the laws and contracts that mayapply to such content. You also acknowledge and agree that Fashion Potluck maytake appropriate measures to protect the copyright of the content saved,processed, or used on FashionPotluck.com. Such measures include, but are notlimited to, the termination of this ToS upon your illegal use of the content,deleting content, and freezing or deleting an account.
FashionPotluck is under no obligation to update, maintain, or provide new versions orother support for the platform FashionPotluck.com. Fashion Potluck or athird party provider may update automatically or modify their programing codein another way at will, only for the purposes of security functionimprovements, error corrections, and function improvements, when you interactwith the FashionPotluck.com platform or a third party server. Such updates ormodifications may delete or change functions and other properties of theFashionPotluck.com platform, which may include, but are not limited to, thefunctions you may require. You acknowledge and agree to the fact that suchactivity may occur at Fashion Potluck’s own discretion and that Fashion Potluckmay request you to install or accept all of such updates and modifications inorder to be able to use the FashionPotluck.com site continuously. For thepurpose of this ToS, such updates/modifications are to be considered as anintrinsic part of the FashionPotluck.com site and any associated URL addresses.By acceptance of this ToS, you consent to such updates/modifications.
IN NO EVENTSHALL Fashion Potluck be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential,incidental or any damages under any circumstance (including damages, loss ofprofits or income, business interruption and/or loss of information) arisingout of the use of the Fashion Potluck brand category and its tools, the use ofthe rest of the FashionPotluck.com site (in part or whole) and its availabletools. Level Plane Media B.V. (Fashion Potluck) does not take nor accept anyliability for any losses and You acknowledge and agree that You are solelyresponsible for the use of the services herein provided and how You utilizethem.
In the event that any provision or part of this Terms of ServiceAgreement is deemed to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, inwhole or in part, the remaining provisions of this contract shall be unaffectedand shall remain in full force and effect to the extent of the applicable law.
Nothing within this Terms of Service Agreement confers any specialrights to the You or the Client over Fashion Potluck or to anythird parties involved in the execution of the contracted Brand Category orthose of the FashionPotluck.com site.
This Agreement and any dispute or claim(including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connectionwith it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construedin accordance to Dutch law. Each party hereby irrevocably agrees that thecourts of Amsterdam, the Netherlands shall have exclusive jurisdiction tosettle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arisingout of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation. By continuing to use FashionPotluck.com andits services, I hereby certify and agree to all of the Terms set for above.
This Terms of Service (ToS) establishes your rights and obligations regardingthe use of the Brands (Brand Category), it tools and that ofFashionPotluck.com, in part or in whole, provided by the Service Provider,Level Plane Media B.V. (hereinafter referred to as also “Fashion Potluck”).
This ToS is a legal agreement between You and Fashion Potluck, and replaces allformer verbal or written agreements between the two parties.The Parties:ThisEnd-User License Agreement is enteredinto by the Social Media Platform Provider Level Plane Media B.V. hereinreferred as Fashion Potluck, FashionPotluck.com, or Service Provider,incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands and registered under the DutchChamber of Commerce under the number 66143349,And, The User, hereby referred to as any adult woman, man age 18 years orolder, or Legal Business entity or Organization resident of any country orregion in planet Earth, hereto referred to as You, Client, Agency, Brand Owner,Entity responsible.
Ownership and Copyright
FashionPotluck reserves all rights to the programing code and all the media assetsused on FashionPotluck.com and all its different categories including the BrandCategory (including but not limited to images, animations, videos, audio, andtext), including its ownership. Also, the Software is protected by all relatedlaws, such as copyright and intellectual property laws, and internationaltreaties. You acknowledge and agree that except for the limited licenseexpressly granted herein, this ToS does not grant any intellectual propertyrights in or licenses over FashionPotluck.com, its data, programing code, normedia contained therein. FashionPotluck.com may incorporate material licensedfrom third parties and as such, copying or distributing any of the programingcode, media or services offered will also violate third party intellectualproperty and rights.
Additional Rights, Limitations, and Restrictions
1. The client,user, agency that uses FashionPotluck.com for posting, publishing, interactingwith others, its brand category and any tool within it, as well as any parts ofthe Fashion Potluck platform in part or in whole will retain the writes to thecontent posted.
2. You as theclient, user, agency grant FashionPotluck.com, its brand Fashion Potluck, aswell as its owner company Level Plane Media B.V. a worldwide, non-exclusive,royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable license to use that Content(including the right to reproduce, distribute, modify, redistribute thatContent) for the purpose of running, promoting and improving the Service.
3. The licensesgranted by you will remain in effect until the Content is removed or Deleted byFashion Potluck.
4. You may NOTuse this Service to view or listen to Content for non-personal, commercial usesuch as broadcasting/streaming video or sound files and/or real time.5. You may NOTuse this service to sell Advertisement or Sponsorships of other parties. Youmay only use this service to display your own, proprietary owned products andservices.
Obligation to Use Contentin Accordance with Copyright Laws
You may use FashionPotluck.com,its brand category or all other categories to post (publish) new materialwithin your own channel, comment and engage with users, and share contentcreated within the platform. You agree that you have the obligation to use FashionPotluck’s site and services in accordance with the laws and contracts that mayapply to such content. You also acknowledge and agree that Fashion Potluck maytake appropriate measures to protect the copyright of the content saved,processed, or used on FashionPotluck.com. Such measures include, but are notlimited to, the termination of this ToS upon your illegal use of the content,deleting content, and freezing or deleting an account.
On Updates and Site Maintenance
FashionPotluck is under no obligation to update, maintain, or provide new versions orother support for the platform FashionPotluck.com. Fashion Potluck or athird party provider may update automatically or modify their programing codein another way at will, only for the purposes of security functionimprovements, error corrections, and function improvements, when you interactwith the FashionPotluck.com platform or a third party server. Such updates ormodifications may delete or change functions and other properties of theFashionPotluck.com platform, which may include, but are not limited to, thefunctions you may require. You acknowledge and agree to the fact that suchactivity may occur at Fashion Potluck’s own discretion and that Fashion Potluckmay request you to install or accept all of such updates and modifications inorder to be able to use the FashionPotluck.com site continuously. For thepurpose of this ToS, such updates/modifications are to be considered as anintrinsic part of the FashionPotluck.com site and any associated URL addresses.By acceptance of this ToS, you consent to such updates/modifications.
Exclusion of Liability
IN NO EVENTSHALL Fashion Potluck be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential,incidental or any damages under any circumstance (including damages, loss ofprofits or income, business interruption and/or loss of information) arisingout of the use of the Fashion Potluck brand category and its tools, the use ofthe rest of the FashionPotluck.com site (in part or whole) and its availabletools. Level Plane Media B.V. (Fashion Potluck) does not take nor accept anyliability for any losses and You acknowledge and agree that You are solelyresponsible for the use of the services herein provided and how You utilizethem.
In the event that any provision or part of this Terms of ServiceAgreement is deemed to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, inwhole or in part, the remaining provisions of this contract shall be unaffectedand shall remain in full force and effect to the extent of the applicable law.
Nothing within this Terms of Service Agreement confers any specialrights to the You or the Client over Fashion Potluck or to anythird parties involved in the execution of the contracted Brand Category orthose of the FashionPotluck.com site.
Governing law and jurisdiction
This Agreement and any dispute or claim(including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connectionwith it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construedin accordance to Dutch law. Each party hereby irrevocably agrees that thecourts of Amsterdam, the Netherlands shall have exclusive jurisdiction tosettle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arisingout of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation. By continuing to use FashionPotluck.com andits services, I hereby certify and agree to all of the Terms set for above.
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