

Our First Networking Event - Amsterdam, the Netherlands

After launching in 2016, we always thought about how awesome it would be, the day we could have our own Fashion Potluck event. At the time though, the site did not have any users, content, even less traffic. In our minds we could only think about having an event once we had something to offer. This year, feeling comfortable with the content creator community behind Fashion Potluck, our visitor numbers, and partners we decided the time was ripe.

Our first Fashion Potluck networking event was launched this past month, the 16th of September with the wonderful participation of Clone 42 as our main host and drink sponsor. Clone 42 has an amazing, classy bar, with wonderful leather couches, perfect warm lighting, and very stylish decorations. Joining it was alsoDaan’s Kitchen taking care of the food catering. Daniela, the owner of Daan’s Kitchen, more than used to catering big events became interested in Fashion Potluck due to her desire in supporting women driven projects. Her support made our first networking event a cozy one. We thank them for their professionalism and for the delicious treats that kept our energy levels going. And, of course, we can’t forget Puccini and their tasty and classy chocolates.

Our event saw the participation of some of our loved and talented local content creators. Charissa Goldapple (ladygoldapple) and Sharon Teeuwen (stylechameleon), were amongst our first Fashion Potluckers from the Netherlands. It is always fun hanging out with them and we thank them for their lovely and lively participation. Together we met other wonderful and talented women, making friends along the way. As well as networking, for Fashion Potluck, this was also a good occasion to exchange with content creators who will join our commercial and monetization strategy. Sharing strategy, strengthening partnerships, stronger together.

The event started as most do. Introductions, a presentation, and a little bit of social tension. The latter was quickly dissipated as breaking the ice happened accidentally and a bit frighteningly admittedly so. Some random older man barged into the event threatening to destroy the bar and our event in the process. Followed up by the quick intervention of one of our guests, Chantal van der Kleij (@chantalvdkleij) who quickly called the police. They arrived in 5 minutes and, needless to say, it was one of those occurrences, where things happen for a reason. This incident kicked off some serious laughter and made the rest of the event run smoothly, allowing for some memorable positive exchanges.

The rest of the afternoon saw the participation of the lovely harp player Thessa Carina (@thessacarina). A lot of good energy exchanges with champagne, white and rose wine as part of our fun fuel, and of course, fantastic company. We are looking forward to our next events and to growing ever more our Fashion Potluck family; online and offline. Thank you once again to all of those who attended, remain fabulous, and we look forward to seeing you in our next event!

After launching in 2016, we always thought about how awesome it would be, the day we could have our own Fashion Potluck event. At the time though, the site did not have any users, content, even less traffic. In our minds we could only think about having an event once we had something to offer. This year, feeling comfortable with the content creator community behind Fashion Potluck, our visitor numbers, and partners we decided the time was ripe.

Our first Fashion Potluck networking event was launched this past month, the 16th of September with the wonderful participation of Clone 42 as our main host and drink sponsor. Clone 42 has an amazing, classy bar, with wonderful leather couches, perfect warm lighting, and very stylish decorations. Joining it was alsoDaan’s Kitchen taking care of the food catering. Daniela, the owner of Daan’s Kitchen, more than used to catering big events became interested in Fashion Potluck due to her desire in supporting women driven projects. Her support made our first networking event a cozy one. We thank them for their professionalism and for the delicious treats that kept our energy levels going. And, of course, we can’t forget Puccini and their tasty and classy chocolates.

Our event saw the participation of some of our loved and talented local content creators. Charissa Goldapple (ladygoldapple) and Sharon Teeuwen (stylechameleon), were amongst our first Fashion Potluckers from the Netherlands. It is always fun hanging out with them and we thank them for their lovely and lively participation. Together we met other wonderful and talented women, making friends along the way. As well as networking, for Fashion Potluck, this was also a good occasion to exchange with content creators who will join our commercial and monetization strategy. Sharing strategy, strengthening partnerships, stronger together.

The event started as most do. Introductions, a presentation, and a little bit of social tension. The latter was quickly dissipated as breaking the ice happened accidentally and a bit frighteningly admittedly so. Some random older man barged into the event threatening to destroy the bar and our event in the process. Followed up by the quick intervention of one of our guests, Chantal van der Kleij (@chantalvdkleij) who quickly called the police. They arrived in 5 minutes and, needless to say, it was one of those occurrences, where things happen for a reason. This incident kicked off some serious laughter and made the rest of the event run smoothly, allowing for some memorable positive exchanges.

The rest of the afternoon saw the participation of the lovely harp player Thessa Carina (@thessacarina). A lot of good energy exchanges with champagne, white and rose wine as part of our fun fuel, and of course, fantastic company. We are looking forward to our next events and to growing ever more our Fashion Potluck family; online and offline. Thank you once again to all of those who attended, remain fabulous, and we look forward to seeing you in our next event!

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