

16 Fun & Calming Self-Care Sunday Ideas

    Are you looking for some Sunday self-care ideas? It’s been a long week, and what you need are some activities to help you have fun and rejuvenate you for the day ahead. This post is all about self-care Sunday activities that give you ideas you can do from sunrise to sundown. So clear off your busy calendar, and let’s get to taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. 

    Lay-In Your Bed For 10 Minutes  

    One thing that can help you relax and enjoy the morning is just laying there and enjoying the calm and quiet sound after you wake up. Let your mind think of dreams that you want to achieve, fun things you want to try in the future, and ways you want to improve yourself. 

    Don’t lead your mind to think about your job or anything related to your job. Your job will still be there while you relax. Remember, the purpose of your self-care Sunday is to help you relax and rejuvenate your body (make it a quote). 

    Read A Book/Bible  

    If you’re a Christian, you know that one of the essential things to set your mindset right for the day, and before picking up your phone is setting the time to read and meditate on your bible and have time for prayer. 

    “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have good success.” – Joshua 1:8 KJV

    This is an essential activity to get back to if you haven’t done it in a while. I understand that work gets in the way of your busy life. Shoot, you might even be distracted at home when you’ve read a verse of two or even put a 5-minute prayer. 

    Know this though: God brought you that job that you’re so into. He even blessed you with the money that provided you to eat the food that you may even be eating right now. He has even protected you as you were driving to work and back. 

    Don’t you think that you should at least give thanks to God for all that He’s done for you?

    Write-In Your Journal

    Writing in a journal is more than placing down your thoughts and feelings and feeling. Though it is therapeutic and can relieve stress, it is so much more than that. It could be a place where you can list out some things you’re grateful for or places you want to go to. 

    Create A Stay At Home Spa Retreat 

    Nothing is better than having your own spa day in your own home. It’s particularly a favorite self-care activity of mine that I use once a week. Whatever you want your spa day to look like or contain, it’s all up to you. From face masks, nail polish, to even acquiring a massager device, planning a spa day that resonates with you should bring you tranquility.

    Here are some supplies to add to your Home Spa Kit. These items are specifically designed to help you get your mind, your skin, and body into a relaxing mood. You can find these supplies at your local Kroger store, Walgreens/CVS Pharmacy, Walmart, Dollar Tree, and even Amazon. You don’t have to buy all these items, just find a few that resonate with you and your lifestyle. 

    1. Facial Mask 
    2. Face Wash
    3. Exfoliating Brush (it’s cheaper at Dollar Tree)
    4. Bathrobe
    5. Nail Polish (I prefer Essie, Revlon, or OPI)
    6. Body Oil
    7. Scented Candles
    8. Moisturizer
    9. Oil Diffuser
    10. Essential Oils
    11. Your Favorite Magazine/Books
    12. Massager
    13. Notebook & Pen (for writing your thoughts and dreams)
    14. Word Search Book (to pass the time)
    15. Zip Lock Bag
    16. Mani & Pedi Kit

    Put On Some Music 

    Who hates music? Says no one. Music is a great self-care Sunday idea to get your blood flowing or even help you relax. If you’re the dancing type, listening to something upbeat (my favorite self-care activity) will bring about happy moods and is a great exercise routine while in ou PJs. If you’re more into slow music like jazz or classical, it boosts your mood and relaxes you while you’re doing something else, like cooking or getting into your hobby. 

    Take A Mindful Shower or Bubble Bath

    A self-care Sunday means a slow yet impactful day. After you wake up, take a mindful shower or bath. Feel the warm water touch your skin when you shower. Or sit in your bathtub, with a bit of a scented bubble liquid, letting the aroma fill the atmosphere while you read, eat a mini snack while you watch a tv show on your bath caddy tray. 

    Enjoy Your Coffee or Tea 

    If you love drinking some coffee or tea, you might have not gotten the time to really drink your coffee as you should. What I mean by that you really weren’t mindful of what you drank or how it made you feel. Take the time to drink your coffee or tea. You can even add something sweet to your drink as you carefully and mindfully enjoy your drink. 

    Combine drinking tea while looking outdoors or around your room in the quiet. Let the warmth of your drink and your observation take you to a calming place and rejuvenate your mind and relax your body. 

    Watch Your Favorite Movie or TV Show

    I have a favorite television show that I watch weekly online. It makes me laugh and brings back the child in me. It’s one of those shows I love watching from time to time to keep focused on the present moment. If you have a favorite show or interested in watching a new show, make it a routine, if you want, to watch it every Sunday in your PJs (unless it’s one of those shows that you have to binge-watch, but you still will have to make it a routine using some will-power).

    Plan Your Week 

    Nothing is more calming and stress-free like planning your week on Sundays. Your week becomes less chaotic and more productive because you know what is ahead. Using a planner to list out your appointments, work assignments, and dues lets you keep all your important dates in one place. The planner I currently use at the moment is from Effie’s Paper. 

    Cook or Bake A Dish 

    Do you have a favorite dish you love to cook or a recipe you’ve been wanting to try? Use this self-care activity to have fun and come up with ideas to make the recipe your own type of recipe! If you don’t have an idea, making a simple smoothie or a salad can also be a great start to adding your own twist to an original recipe. 

    Create A DIY  

    Making something from hands is always a great achievement. It’s your own creation and your own take of style. There are multiple sites that you can browse, even Pinterest, to find your next DIY project. If you’re thinking of doing a DIY house project, check out this cute Pom Pom rug from Little Yellow Wheelbarrow. I also personally like this DIY rope basket from Lydi Out Loud. It’s colorful but also a useful item that goes with the home! 

    Write The Highlight Of Your Day

    This is a great evening activity to wrap up your day. Highlighting your day not only brings you back to what you’ve done throughout the day but also can express an attitude of gratitude. From waking up in the morning, drinking your favorite tea or coffee, to cooking your favorite dish, you will find something to be grateful for (if not all). 

    Going To A Flea Market 

    The flea market always has little trinkets you can bring home.  It can also be a good time to walk around and explore your community, especially if you haven’t seen the flea market fully.  

    Take A 20-minute Walk Outdoors

    Walking outdoors is a great activity to keep your heart pumping, allows you to exist in the silence, and opens your eyes to the wonders of the world. You can either walk around your neighborhood or walk around your city. To make the walk a bit memorable, you can bring your Instax camera or digital camera, creating memories of what you’re seeing as you explore your surroundings. 

    Talking With A Friend or Family Member

    Catching up with a friend or family member is another great self-care Sunday idea. If you haven’t talked for weeks or months, this can be a great way to bring both of you together and make conversations about each other’s life and happenings. 

    Do Some Coloring

    Have you had a coloring book when you were younger? Well, coloring isn’t just for children now! This self-care activity is a great way to practice mindfulness as you unwind. There are various coloring books available for you to find! From flowers, mandala, nature, to abstract, there’s something for everyone. You can find your local coloring books, specifically for adults, at your local Kroger, Etsy, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

    There you have it! Since these are all just self-care Sunday ideas, each of these can be done one Sunday, while you do something else another Sunday. Find an activity that resonates with you so that you can finally relax on Sundays, away from work, and any busy activities that rob you from taking care of yourself. You can even subscribe to my resources page to give you additional activity downtime.

    I hope you found these self-care routines helpful!

    Until Next Time, 

    Simply Alia

    • M D M D :

      This was the perfect read for me today! It can be hard for me to be intentional about self-care, but I love this list. Thank you for writing!

      4 years ago 
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