

3 Good Things You Can Do for Your Dental Health This Winter

3 Good Things You Can Do for Your Dental Health This Winter

    Looking after the teeth and gums as well throat environment will help you strengthen your immune system in this part of the body, avoid issues like inflammation, and is important for your dental health. 

    A diet that’s full of essential nutrients can be supported with immune-strengthening and protective natural therapies to promote healthy mouth bacteria and to boost tissue health, in turn, ensuring the long-lasting health of your teeth and gums. Here are four things you can do for your mouth this winter: 

    1. Try essential oils

    Applied topically in a very dilute form essential oils can be extremely effective at strengthening your dental health as well as improving your mouth microbiome. They can be used in a gargle solution, but should not be swallowed.

    Peppermint and spearmint are two well-known herbs for freshening the breath and are contained in most mouthwashes and toothpastes. The lemon essential oil can also be used to freshen breath. Plus, lemon has natural brightening properties and thus can be added to mouthwash to help teeth look cleaner and whiter.

    Immune-boosting essential oils like lavender or thyme will help you support the immune system and support dental health. Oils can also be used to improve local immunity. Oils with antimicrobial properties like tea tree oil can be used in a gargle or soothing gum rub to help prevent and fight gingivitis (gum inflammation), periodontal disease. and keep your gums healthy. But if you have advanced periodontal disease, you should visit the dental clinic and consult your dentist before using any essential oil. 

    2. Eat these foods 

    A nutritious diet can be used to provide more of the nutrients that are especially beneficial for oral and throat health. Avoiding acidic foods and foods with lingering smells will also help you keep the mouth and teeth healthy.

    Scientists have found that getting enough sleep is one of the most important factors for good dental health that helps decrease inflammation and lower the risk of gum disease, as well as speed up the healing process after mouth ulcers. Therefore, it’s important to consume more foods that naturally contain melatonin, the hormone that’s responsible for regulating our circadian rhythms. 

    Make sure you eat enough melatonin-containing foods like tart cherries or cherry juice, tomatoes, white and black mustard seeds, fenugreek, corn, rice, sprouted seeds, and the grain lupin to get regular and restful sleep. You can also try including foods that are rich in the amino acid tryptophan in your evening meal. Tryptophan will help you sleep better as well. Good sources of this amino acid include poultry, chickpeas, cottage cheese, and eggs.

    3. Consider taking supplements 

    While mouth and throat conditions typically heal naturally within a week, supplements can provide your body with essential nutrients and thus lower the risk of recurrence.

    If you lack zinc you may have a weak immune system. If you are prone to infections, it can be worth getting your zinc levels checked and taking a supplement if your diet is failing to meet your requirements. Taking zinc along with vitamin C will provide powerful immune support and will help your body combat infections like laryngitis and glandular fever.

    Taking a probiotic supplement is also a good idea. Probiotics help enrich the gut and mouth with beneficial bacteria and keep harmful bacteria like Staphylococcus under control as well as promote good overall health.

    Taking a good-quality B complex regularly will help you maintain optimal tissue health, making it harder for bacteria to attack your gums. Using mouthwashes containing folic acid helps strengthen gums.

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