

4 Common Causes of Chronic Neck Pain You Should Know

4 Common Causes of Chronic Neck Pain You Should Know

    Neck pain is familiar almost to everyone. You may experience it in the morning when you just woke up or in the evening after a long working day. In any case, neck pain can be considered a red flag that your body has some health issues or your lifestyle should be somehow changed.

    Neck pain can be occasional and constant. If you sleep in an uncomfortable position or sharply turned your head, pain is a natural body reaction. Some rest and inactivity will bring the desired relief. However, if the pain is persistent and doesn’t go away for weeks, it can be considered chronic. In this case, it is better to undergo chronic neck pain treatment to eliminate symptoms and the underlying cause of your condition. In this article, we gathered four common causes of chronic neck pain you should know.

    1. Uncomfortable pillow

    Many people prefer to sleep on soft pillows that don’t provide the necessary neck support. Such pillows usually lose their form and become flat. In this case, the cervical vertebrae and muscles will not relax. In this case, you may experience severe chronic neck pain. The main problem is that people often get used to their pillows and don’t notice that it’s hight time to choose new.

    Another problem is a huge pillow that makes your neck bend during sleep. This leads to muscle tension and chronic neck pain. The maximum height of the pillow should be no more than four inches. Moreover, every sleep position requires a different pillow height. If you wake up with severe neck pain every morning, be sure to monitor the condition of your pillow.

    2. Poor posture

    Many people all over the world tend to spend their working days in the office. Such working conditions usually don’t contribute to a proper posture. Unfortunately, only a few companies provide their employees with ergonomic furniture that meets all the requirements. If you spend all day in the uncomfortable chair at the too hight or low desk, chronic neck and back pain shouldn’t be a surprise for you. 

    First and foremost, you should ask your employer about the needed ergonomic furniture. If the company can’t effort to provide you with such furniture, you can do it by yourself. You should understand that your health is the most important thing. You should also try to maintain a proper posture both at the office and at home.

    3. Osteochondrosis

    Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can cause sharp pain in the neck or pain radiating to the arm. Sometimes such pain is associated with tumors in the spine, so if it doesn't go away for a long time, you need to consult a doctor. Unpleasant sensations in the neck with osteochondrosis often intensifies after physical exertion, hypothermia, or a long stay in an uncomfortable position.

    If you have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, your neck pain can be accompanied by dizziness. If this symptom occurs, you should consult a doctor and make sure that the problem is associated with the condition of the spine. 

    4. Injuries

    There are a lot of neck injuries that can cause severe chronic pain. The neck area has a special anatomical structure and functionality. Even small damage can greatly complicate a person’s life and an awkward turn can lead to injury that is not compatible with life. The most common neck injuries include:

    • Damage to ligaments and discs 

    • Whiplash injury

    • Fracture of the vertebrae 

    • Bruising of the cervical spine

    The symptoms of these injuries may be different but all of them are accompanied by severe pain. If you have got a neck injury, don’t try to undergo a home treatment. Timely and proper medical attention can save your functionality and even life.

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