

5 Unusual Benefits of Usual Products for Maintaining Oral Health

5 Unusual Benefits of Usual Products for Maintaining Oral Health

    Many people all over the world have certain dental issues. Despite the fact that modern dentistry can solve most of them, there are situations where a person can’t visit a doctor for some reason. However, tooth pain or bed breath can’t wait for the next dental check-up and require immediate solutions. 

    Our ancestors rarely had an opportunity to visit a doctor in case of health problems. Due to the fact that home remedies were tested by centuries, we can use many of them now. In this article, we gathered five unusual benefits of usual products for maintaining oral health.

    1. Oil of cloves for toothache

    If you woke up at night because of severe toothache, the oil of cloves can help you ease the pain. You can make a mouthwash by mixing a cup of warm water with a few drops of clove oil. Rinse your mouth a few times a day and you will feel the desired relief.

    Another option is a so-called compress with the oil of cloves. Take a little cotton swab and soak it in the oil. Place it on the aching tooth for 10-15 minutes. It is important to be careful and avoid oil swallowing. However, you should understand that this is only a temporary solution. If your teeth hurt, it means that there is a problem that requires medical attention. 

    2. Lemon for bad breath

    Bad breath, also called halitosis, is a quite common problem for smokers. But you should also know that this condition can be a consequence of certain medical conditions. That’s why it is important to find out the underlying cause of bad breath. However, if you ate a lot of garlic and need to refresh your breath, lemon can be quite useful in this case. You can chew a piece of lemon with skin (lemon skin contains essential oils) or make lemon water. 

    3. Nuts for plaque

    Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for our health. However, every person may get into a situation where brushing his or her teeth is not possible. If you are this person, don’t panic, take a deep breath, and look for nuts. 

    Nuts have abrasive properties and easily remove plaque from your teeth. Moreover, they are a great source of nutrients and vitamins that are essential for our health. Chew a handful of nuts take a few sips of water and enjoy your clean teeth. In case if there no nuts, you can use any crunchy fruit or vegetable.

    4. Strawberry for tooth discoloration

    Stained teeth can be a real problem especially if you have no possibility to perform in-office teeth whitening. In this case, mashed strawberries with a pinch of baking soda will help you avoid embarrassment. Make a paste from these two ingredients and apply it on your teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid that easily removes stains from the tooth surface. Baking soda has mild abrasive properties that eliminate plaque and food particles. However, you shouldn’t rub your teeth with baking soda because it can lead to scratches. 

    5. Oak bark for gum inflammation

    An oak bark decoction is often used to disinfect the oral cavity, strengthen gums, reduce bleeding, cure stomatitis, etc. In addition, an oak bark decoction reduces the number of bacteria in the mouth. Due to a large number of tannins, oak bark decoction has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Take two tablespoons of crushed bark and mix it with a glass of hot water. Boil a decoction for 30-40 minutes, let it infuse for half an hour, and filter. Rinse your mouth with oak bark decoction several times a day. Over time, you will see that your gums look strong and healthy.

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