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Tension headaches are startlingly widespread, affecting up to 80% of Americans on a regular basis. Unlike migraines, they are rarely severe and do not induce nausea or a visual aura. But they're still not enjoyable. You can search "best headache specialist near me" to get medical assistance for your problem but you have other options too.
Luckily, there are natural tension headache treatment methods that are helpful in relieving the pain.
1. Embrace Nature and Relaxation
Spending time outside can help reduce stress, which is a typical cause of tension headaches. Even a simple stroll to a nearby park or garden might induce sensations of calm and tranquility. To maximize relaxation and reduce tension, limit your use of technological gadgets during this time. Activities such as forest bathing and outdoor walks might help to relieve tension.
Because stress is a leading cause of tension headaches, finding strategies to decompress can be an effective pain treatment tool. One of the most effective methods to relax is to spend time in nature. While a genuinely distant retreat is desirable, a peaceful trip to a nearby park might also be beneficial.
Sure, you could take a mental health day and go forest bathing. If that's not an option, simply go hang out in the park or garden. Numerous studies have proved nature's power to instill feelings of peace, tranquility, and equilibrium. Just be sure to leave your phone behind. When you want to relax, the frequent pings aren't really helpful.
2. Mindful Posture and Ergonomics
Maintaining appropriate posture, particularly while sitting for long periods of time, can help reduce muscle stress in the neck and shoulders, which can lead to tension headaches. Reminders or visual cues, such as sticky notes on your laptop, can assist maintain conscious posture and lower the risk of headaches caused by poor seating patterns.
Sitting at your computer for hours on end will not just make you stressed out. It's also likely to affect your posture, which has more to do with headaches than you realize. Slumping or hunching might cause your neck muscles to strain, resulting in a headache.
So make an effort to sit tall and straight. Pull in your abdominals, maintain your thighs parallel to the ground, and face front and out rather than down.
3. Exploring Aromatherapy and Sensory Relief
Aromatherapy with smells such as lavender and eucalyptus has historically been used to treat headaches. There isn't much science behind utilizing aromatherapy for headaches. But traditional practitioners have depended on the power of fragrance to relieve headaches for thousands of years, so it's definitely worth a try.
What aromas work best? Lavender is known to offer relaxing properties, and some aromatherapists use it to relieve pain. Or, try eucalyptus. The smell has been demonstrated to alleviate knee pain, edema, and inflammation. Some research suggests it may also be beneficial for headaches. (Always consult your doctor first, though. Some essential oils, including eucalyptus, are not suggested if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.
4. Try an Ice Pack
A simple ice pack (or a bag of frozen vegetables - it works just as well) could help relieve the horrible, pulsing ache in your brain.
The causes, however, are not totally evident. Some specialists feel that the cold shrinks your blood vessels and lowers blood flow to the brain, alleviating discomfort. However, it's also possible that the chilly sensation distracts you from your headache.
5. Snack on Green Apples
If the fragrance and taste do not wake you up, activating your jaw muscles may help to relieve tension. Furthermore, the carbs in apples can reduce tension. That's because carbs are used by your brain to make serotonin, a hormone that promotes happiness and relaxation.
6. Take a Nap
It is not uncommon to experience a throbbing headache while zonked. In fact, 59% of tension headache sufferers believe that a lack of sleep causes their headaches.
So close your eyes, close the shades, and allow yourself to drift off to dreamland. Just remember to limit your snooze to around 20 minutes: that's enough time to make you feel refreshed but not so long that you wake up groggy and in worse pain than before.
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