8 Most Common Food Allergies

    Food allergy is a serious disease that may be life-threatening depending on the severity of the reaction. A food allergy is often an abnormal immune system reaction to a particular type of food. If you have a food allergy you need to practice a high level of food safety. You must always control the food on your plate both in restaurants and at home. Here are the eight most common food allergies in children and adults.

    1. Peanuts

    Peanuts are the most common and serious allergen. In some people, the body’s immune system identifies the peanut protein as harmful and releases chemicals that cause a severe allergic reaction. If you are allergic to peanuts then you need to pay attention to the label of any processed food. Eating products cross-contaminated with peanuts may cause anaphylaxis. This is a serious life-threatening allergic reaction.

    2. Shellfish

    Shellfish allergy is common and easily detectable. Unlike many allergies, a shellfish allergy is more common in adults than in children. Along with shellfish allergy, you may also have an intolerance to all other mollusks. If you suffer only from a shellfish allergy, then you may eat certain types of mollusks. However, it is recommended to check whether you have other mollusks allergy before eating them.

    3. Eggs

    Eggs are likely to cause allergy in children younger than the age of 5. Most children outgrow it, but some may carry it into adulthood. There is no treatment for this allergy but you need to be regularly tested by your allergist to check whether your tolerance for egg changes. If you have an egg allergy avoid products with ingredients like albumin, globulin, lecithin, livetin, lysozyme on the label. These descriptions mean that egg protein is present. 

    4. Fruits and vegetables

    Some raw fruits and vegetables contain the same proteins as some pollen. This ingredient may easily cause oral allergy symptoms. This allergy is unlikely to provoke anaphylaxis but may cause itching and discomfort. If you have this allergy, then you need to avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables but you may eat them cooked. Cooking changes the shape of the proteins that cause allergic reactions. 

    5. Milk

    Milk allergy is another common allergy. Many people may mistakenly think that milk and lactose allergies are the same, but they differ. Milk allergy is the abnormal immune system reaction to the milk protein. Lactose intolerance is a digestive problem. Milk allergy mostly affects children, but adults may also have milk intolerance. If you have a milk allergy you need to aware of many processed products, since they have high milk protein content.

    6. Fish

    Finned fish may easily cause an allergy. Proteins in the fish often incite the immune system's response and cause an allergic reaction. However, fish gelatin may also be responsible for your fish allergy. Another big problem for people with a fish allergy is a high chance for cross-contamination, especially in restaurants. In restaurants, many sauces are based on fish broth. So you need to clarify with your  waiter before ordering a dish.

    7. Soy

    Soy allergy is less common than other allergies. This allergy is most often observed in young children and increases with age. Along with soy, you may have an allergy to other legumes. You need to also check all products on the content of bean curd, tamari, tempeh, and tofu. These are other names of soy. 

    8. Sesame seeds

    Sesame allergy may not receive as much publicity as peanut, but a  sesame allergy reaction is not less severe than a peanut. Allergic reactions to sesame seeds or sesame oil may cause anaphylaxis that is a life-threatening condition. Common foods that contain sesame seeds include hummus, baked goods, snack foods, and a wide variety of sauces and dressings. It is very important to check the foods you buy on the content of sesame seeds or sesame oil.

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