A month without alcohol

    You might know this

    It’s Friday evening and you’re chilling with your friends. Of course a  wine or two can’t be excluded. The next day you go to party, which also  involved some alcohol.
    Your friends made a nice diner and invited you; a glass of red wine was  the finishing touch. A birthday party, everybody has a beer. A friend  came over for a good old movie night… of course cocktails are there. You  meet up with a friend to discuss the latest news, he also bought some  great new whisky you have to try.

    You get my point, I felt I was drinking too often. Not too much, but  too often and my brain started to see this as a habit and poked me when  there were a couple of days without alcohol. I could not shake this bad  vibe and decided to take some rigorous measurements. No alcohol for a  month!

    The start

    Wasn’t difficult at all. I presumed that I would be a bit grumpy or  sad when I saw my friends around me sipping their beer… but I felt  completely neutral. I had no problems with my own delicious tea.When I  saw people around me getting drunk, I was happy about the prospect of  waking up fresh and well rested the next morning. Something that would  not happen with any alcohol intake. I never knew how even one alcohol  beverage affected my mood, but it became clear to me what a life without  alcohol means.

    The change

    In the first 2 weeks I didn’t notice much change. But the third week showed some alterations.

    • Better skin.  My skin becomes dry easily, after two weeks of detoxing it became much smoother.
    • Better mood. I was and am happier now. The day  after alcohol makes my body more moody, pressumably because everything  takes more effort. Without any alcohol these days are in the past. I  feel more energetic and happy.
    • Different taste in food. I eat spicy and salty  food. Let me reframe this… I eat very spicy and salty food. But after a  week of detoxing my cravings for spicy and salt became less, almost to  the point of leaving any chill pepper out of my food.
    • Wanting to exercise more. This one I love the  most.  Because I became more energetic, I felt the need to have some  healthy outbursts. I started swimming once a week and also picked up  Pilates again. I won’t turn into some #fit or #health girl, but I do  love to keep up this routine.

    Week 5

    My tolerance dropped to zero, I can feel the alcohol immediately  after one beer or glass of wine and the day after drinking I have  difficulties getting myself out of bed.
    I just like the new me way more. That doesn’t mean I’ll completely ban  alcohol out of my life, I would just ask for water or tea more often and  during the week I’ll only drink on special occasions.

    I love to make the best out of everyday and alcohol isn’t contributing towards that goal.

    Words Minimum :