

How To Spend Time Alone And Be Happy

    Being lonely and happy at the same time may sound little intimidating,but it can become the "best possible experience" (s), once you know how to enjoy your alone time. Solitude can be a hard choice when forced, but when you make a joyful choice to be alone, then "solitary life" gets a new definition- a more joyful explanation, may be!
    Lately, when I was thinking deeply about, "how to begin this post;" I came across this beautiful quote by my favorite author: Robin Sharma. He somehow reads my mind :)....and never fails to inspire my soul.

    "The starting point of discovering who are, your gifts, your talents, your dreams, is being comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal. Take long walks in the woods." ~Robin Sharma  

    Spending time all by yourself quiet often is as important as having a "good" night sleep. When life feels a little heavy; and you don't seem to feel inspired and or impressed- take a break and walk into the silence around you. This is one of the best ways to embrace the silence within you. We are often so distressed by the things happening around us, that we are very likely to lose ourselves in the chaotic dramas of every day life. So often be your own company, than looking for people (you want to trust) to connect with! 

    I love spending some "quality time" with myself- more than often these days; and I don't even regret; not being available to others'. I have realized the importance of being myself with myself- without any fear of being judged or criticized; because I get to do a lot of self-assessment when I spend some alone time. Self-reflection is a must to know yourself in a much better way. Spending time with yourself gives you the freedom to think, be you, be creative, and to develop your self-confidence. 

    Don't get me wrong! I am not saying that, "you shouldn't be a social person." But sometimes when you feel like; you are tired of pushing yourself too much for others- pleasing them to accept you and approve you; then I would say, you definitely take a break from all these and be your own. Research shows that spending time alone in silence improves your physical and mental health.

    There can so many likable ways to be all by yourself, and still feel happy and joyful- in own company. I have few of them to share. You pick the one that mostly resonates with your favorite "me" time activity (s):

    1. Shop

    Go and find your "best look", when others are busy. When you are shopping all alone you not just have enough time to look for the things you love, and or would try in future; but you have all your opinion about a particular clothing or an accessory you would like to buy yourself!

    2. Sit By The Beach or a Lake

    Image Credit- Mert Kahveci on Unsplash

    Nothing can give you that inner peace and tranquility; than just by sitting alone and watching those rising and falling waves crashing upon the shore, the meeting point of sky and water, sea birds flying over the sea, noisy seagulls, and tickles of the restless sand.

    3. Spend some time browsing books in a Bookstore

    4. Visit a Library or a Museum

    5. Be Present

    Quietly sit anywhere but outside and watch everything and anything that's happening around you at that moment. Live in the moment and realize how life is throwing tasks and responsibilities at everybody. Simply sit and watch people. "People gazing" allows you to know people from different places and walks of life. This is also a good way to find yourself- know who you are, and what you want to do in life, how far you think you can go achieving your dream life; etc.

    6. Do some Gardening

    The best lesson I've learned from working on my indoor and outdoor garden is, "grow where you're planted." How true! Life brings us to unexpected turns, and the only way to keep our sanity in balance and together is by learning to accept the situation and  to learn how to grow out of it. There's no shortcut, no escape!  

    7. Organizing 

    8. Cooking 

    9. Watching your favorite movie

    I would definitely ask you to refrain from any kind of electronic devices and from internet, but for some; watching your favorite movie alone can make you happy and lively again.So go for it. I sometimes do that too!

    10. Outdoor Photography

    The best photography can be done when you wander outdoor or in the midst of nature. Inspirations can only be captured by being all by yourself. If you love outdoor photography then you can never feel lonely- rather more busy and occupied.

    11. Write/Read

    Reading takes me to different places and different experiences. It's a no secret that only if you read a lot, you can write a lot! And I'm happy to learn that I'm become an avid reader. Reading gives me clarity on so many subjects of life, and that clarity guides my path towards true awakening of myself! 

    So if you've ever experienced that true joy after holding a book or just by reading through few lines in a book; I would encourage you to start reading more! Explore the world of books and the magic that survives in those pages...  

    12. Spending Time In Nature

    Connect with every bit of it. Spending time alone in can help you reap powerful physical and mental benefits. There are hundreds of benefits that you can obtain by absorbing or just observing the nature like; a boost in your mood, relieving stress, increasing focus, strengthening immune system and so many such benefits.

    13. Creative act

    Engaging your mind in some creative acts can improve your confidence level. "Creative creatures" often find themselves being full of energy and life- to do something new every time.

    Being alone especially during the rough times of our life; when we are surrounded by disturbing thoughts and unavoidable problems, can help us find ourselves. I have seen finding answers and finding back my courage (to fight problems and difficult people in my life), when I am out wandering or just quietly sitting all-by-myself. Silence have mighty magical powers that gives you strength and the wisdom

    So do you like being alone all by yourself? How do you enjoy being alone? Don't forget to leave me your comments, and if you really liked the post then please do share!

    You can also find more of such lifestyle inspirational posts on my blog here

    Main Image Credit- Brian Tafel on Unsplash

    • Void  V Void V :

      great posts with very insightful advice! thank you so much for sharing : ) 

      4 years ago 
    • Alia W Alia W :

      As an introvert, being alone is good for me, especially when it is for gathering my thoughts. I have been more leaning towards being aware of myself from my emotions to my body using mindfulness practice and it has helped me enjoy the present like ever before. My favorite alone time is looking out my window and watching the wind blowing the trees whichever way it goes. It's calming and nice. I'm glad you found to be alone with yourself because not many people can do that. Thank you for inspiring people that being alone is not bad, it brings in great rewards. Thanks for the post!


      4 years ago 
      • Epsita M Epsita M :

        Thank you so much, Alia<3 Your words made my day.

        I'm an introvert too, and I've had always loved spending some quality time by being with myself. I feel this is my most favorite 'me time' where I get to reflect and learn. I'm so happy to know that you liked my post and could relate to it! I hope this article brings pure joy and understanding for people- who love being alone or feel true happiness when they spend time alone. 

        4 years ago 
    • :

      Set goals for your alone time: Start by setting some goals for your alone time 1v1 lol . Decide what you want to achieve or work on, and plan your activities accordingly.

      1 year ago 
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