In the heat of Passion

    In the heat of Passion

    Words tumble on top of each other

    Hurled at each other, layers upon layers upon layers

    Uncontrolled, top speed, emotions run high

    Very high

    You've stopped breathing

    And you've realized there's  no taking it back

    You want to, but can't

    You're sorry, but you're not

    It's the truth, but it's not

    You just want to hurt each other, but you don't

    Why are you saying this, but you do

    I hate you, but I love you

    I want to hurt you

    Because you're killing me inside

    Get away from me

    I want you out of my sight

    But yet, when you leave

    I crumble

    Lost in the emptiness

    From the space, you just occupied

    Your scent that I love, lingers

    All this mess created

    Hurtful words tossed carelessly

    In the heat of Passion


    Words Minimum :