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Learning to love yourself is a journey, not a destination, and it’s often one filled with many bumps in the road. Don’t spend another decade at war with yourself. Instead, make 2020 the year you do something about it and practice the art of self-love at any size.
I’m the very first person to yell “learn to love yourself!” I’m that girl standing in the bathrooms on a night out, complementing each woman who enters and giving out advice for all to lap up. But at the end of it all, I’m the very last person to taste my own medicine.
The truth is that I can’t even look at myself in the mirror anymore.
There was a time when I would spend minutes to hours staring at myself, pinching my skin, wrapping my fingers around my thighs and praying they could still meet in the middle. Then I entered into recovery for Anorexia Nervosa. Now, at a few kilos above my lowest weight, I can’t bring myself to look anymore. The worst part is I still have a long way to go in regards to weight re-gain.
We have two full-length mirrors in our home both with towels or coats thrown over the top on an almost constant basis. I only really use the bathroom mirror, which stops just at my waist and means I can’t look at my legs unless I stand on the toilet. My legs are clearly my biggest issue so I avoid them at all costs.
It’s a struggle.
I’ve spoken to therapists, read self-help books and even used yoga as a bid to learn to love myself. The only thing I haven’t done is practice what I preach.
In order to make peace with myself, I took time from my busy schedule to plan and finally write an article dedicated to learning to love yourself, body positivity and acceptance. Join me and we’ll learn more about how we can start to love ourselves just as we are.
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