

She overthinks because she was under-loved.

    Hey everyone ❤️

    Hope you are all OK.

    Im back again with another blog this time it's about meeting soulmates.

    I get asked alot of questions about love and how i see certain aspects in love and the soulmate question comes up alot.

    I've been rather unlucky in love.

    I don't think im actually destined to be ? happy in life but there again i don't think anyone is ? truly happy.

    So soulmates its not as simple as bringing two human beings together and both being symmetrical and mirroring each other and thinking oh we fit let's just give it ago we must be soulmates.

    Now im not judging anyone who's been in a relationship or got into a relationship that way but being symmetrical isn't a good trait for a true soul mate.

    The universe wouldn't put two souls together who are exactly the same, there isnt any lesson to be learnt from that.

    Infact soul mates are very hard to navigate it doesn't mean they wouldn't hurt you either infact a break up with a soul mate is very messy.

    Im going to debunk some myths and give you some facts surrounding a soulmate connection.

    1. You just know.
    Something deep inside tells you this is the perfect one for you. It’s as if there is a spiritual force pushing you to let go of everything you previously expected and to give of yourself completely.

    Where intuition plays a massive part in a soul mate connection it may not mean this person is perfect for you and the relationship will be plain sailing infact soul mate connections are rarely plain sailing they are never straight forward.

    2. You're paths have crossed before.
    Soulmates have met each other in previous life. 

    You may not have connected, but you were in the same place, at the same time.

    But it wasn't the right time even in the same lifetime you can miss each other, or often get together at the wrong time which can then lead to one person dismissing the relationship all together.

    And just passing it off as not right for each other.

    3. Your souls meet at the right time.
    Each person has to be ready to receive the soul connection. 

    You have to be prepared to meet your soulmate. It could be that you have to go through a relationship that doesn’t work out, or that you’re not ready to ditch your “perfect person checklist,” but when it comes to soulmates- timing is everything.

    This theory is incorrect beacuse you can meet your soulmate at the most difficult time in life and still push them away it can get extremely messy and it takes time for both parties to see sense in the connection. its normally when the oppersite party gives in and trys to move on and the other person finally realises how deep a connection is.

    4. The quite space.
    Being quiet together is comforting like a fluffy down blanket on a cold winter night. Whether you are reading in the same room, or driving in the car, there’s a quiet peace between you.

    This theory is correct soulmates dont need to talk the back side of donkey off infact people who are deeply connected share many quite times even in the strangest of moments.

    And it's often seen as an awkward situation between both parties if there isn't understanding and can be misinterpreted as a bad match.

    5. You respect each others opinions and differences.

    Often soulmates are polar opposite. At times this is challenging. These are the times when you are being forced to let the other person complete you. You still have your own opinion, but instead of agreeing to disagree, there is a deep level of respect for each other. You listen and honor the differences.

    This theory is correct you don't need to be the same to understand and respect but the connection between you both will allow you to understand and relate to each others feelings.

    Soulmates can sometimes come across as cold and not very understanding but they understand alright more so than other people you may have dated.

    This is because of the connection you share the respect you have dispite your different opinions you allow each other to completely be yourselves without judgment or expectations of change.

    6. You know how to apologise and mean it.
    It’s not easy to say “I’m sorry” or admit that you did something that hurt the person you love.

    Soulmates realize that their actions or words cause harm. Even if they feel justified in their point of view, if their partner was hurt by it, they can easily apologize for the harm they have caused.

    Well im on the fence with this one fokes.

    Again soul mate connections are tough alot of misunderstanding and also stubborn patterns of behaviour again i say most soul mate connections are complete opposites that's what makes it work eventually when they both see the bigger picture.

    It takes time its unlike anything or any other relationship you've known.

    At times it seems like too much effort.

    Soulmates will bicker and argue over silly things and they will both know how to rub each other up the wrong way.

    But from all the confusion they will complete get each other and still stand in there own personal power.

    You see soulmates aren't about finding a mirror image of ourselves it's about finding a connection with someone, that's so unique it goes past having similar interests its unlike anything we have ever felt before in our lifetime.

    It cannot be explained or understood it's a force that brings to human beings together when their at their most vulnerable.

    Don't mistake a soulmate connection for a bad connection it takes time, trust and love.

    Love to you all ?

    Stacie ? ? ? ❤️ ❤️

    #seashellsandlipglossblog #life

    #love #straightfromtheheart


    • Julia M Julia M :

      Hi Stacie! First of all, I love your post, thank you for sharing. It is a very interesting opinion on relationships that I've never heard before! I would love to read more about it. Could you recommend some sources or books?    

      3 years ago 
    • Stacie L Stacie L :

      Hiya im glad to hear you liked my post, I always blog from my past experiences and my emotions. This post  is based on my views on soul mates purely based on my own experience. 

      I let things fkow from within but thank you for taking the time to read. 

      Stacie x

      3 years ago 
      • Julia M Julia M :

        Thank you for your response, Stacie! A very interesting theory!    

        3 years ago 
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