

Top 6 Signs You Need to Visit a Dental Specialist

Top 6 Signs You Need to Visit a Dental Specialist

    You most likely know that visiting your dental specialist at least two times a year is a must. However, how can you determine if you need to see your specialist in between routine appointments? Several dental problems can result in severe pain and discomfort, requiring immediate medical attention. How to identify what symptoms can be ignored and what should be addressed immediately? 

    Keep on reading to discover six common dental problems that require immediate attention from your dental specialist. 

    1. Pain or swelling

    These are one of the most common indications that you should visit your dental specialist ASAP. Even when you chew, your mouth shouldn’t hurt. Pain or swelling might signal a variety of issues, including infection, severe tooth decay, or gum disease. Even if your symptoms go away after a while, the underlying problem may still be present, potentially leading to a greater problem in the future.

    2. Bleeding and painful gums

    If your gums bleed when you floss or brush your teeth, it’s a sign that you might have a problem. Your gums are a crucial element of your oral health and require the same level of care as your teeth. Gum disease begins with bleeding gums, and it's critical to begin treatment right away to avoid additional damage.

    Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease. This condition is reversible and usually can be improved with a thorough professional cleaning. Other medical disorders, including diabetes and cancer, can show their early symptoms through your gum line. In fact, those with diabetes have more glucose in their saliva, which exacerbates gum disease. If your gums bleed, swell, or ache, it's important to seek immediate expert help.

    3. Oral injury

    This one may sound self-evident, but if you have an oral injury, you should visit an experienced dental specialist right away. Any oral injury type might result in hidden damage to your teeth. A damaged tooth should never be ignored because it can lead to infection and other dangerous issues.

    4. White spots on teeth

    If you see a white spot on one of your teeth, it can be an indication of early tooth decay. If you see your dental specialist soon enough, they will be able to treat it before it becomes a full-blown cavity.

    If you notice any white spots along your gum line, it's most likely an indication of infection. Infections around the tooth root may not be painful right away, but they can progress to a loose tooth or dental abscess if left untreated. If you notice any white patches on your gum line or teeth, schedule an appointment with your dentist.

    5. Dry mouth
    A medical disorder in which your salivary glands don’t produce enough saliva to moisturize the mouth is known as dry mouth. It's a common side effect of numerous medicines, but it can also stem from smoking, damaged nerves, or even the natural aging process.

    It feels unpleasant, can impair your speech, and may result in the development of bad breath. If you suspect that your mouth is too dry, it's time to schedule an appointment with your dental specialist. Dry mouth can be treated in a variety of ways, including using certain mouthwashes and taking prescription drugs.

    6. Severely sensitive teeth

    Tooth sensitivity is one of the most irritating oral issues, and it's one that many people neglect to treat. You should undergo sensitive teeth treatment not only to alleviate the pain but also to determine what is causing your teeth to be sensitive in the first place.

    Sensitivity can be caused by a variety of factors, including gum recession, tooth decay, and teeth grinding or clenching. Reach out to your dental specialist for treating the underlying problem and receiving advice on which toothpaste to use for alleviating your symptoms.

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