Valentin's Day : Treat Yourself
      Valentin's Day : Treat Yourself

      Valentine's day is here. Two-three years ago this might have been an exciting day for me, planning where to go, what to wear and how to make the day special. Catching up with my girlfriends and going out to a fancy place for valentine's day celebration. Ahhh those days. But now that I am with the right person to celebrate every day as my valentine's day right beside him. This specific day of love is not special anymore. 
      More importantly, I have grown and understood the hierarchy of love and being loved. I feel my happiness or desire to be loved should not be dependent on a man or woman or it should not be anyone's responsibility. Rather I should be happy, healthy, positive and all the other things I want to be, on my own. I understood that I should keep my body, mind and health and self-respect before anyone or anything. I know giving, someone, a responsibility to make you happy when you cannot do it yourself is selfish. 

      To Read More: https://www.confessionofmusings.com/2020/02/this-valentines-day-treat-yourself.html

      • Julia M Julia M :

        Haha! Fantastic shirt!  And, agreed with every word about self-love and self-care.  

        4 years ago 
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