

Good afternoon  everyone. 

I'm super excited to share this weeks spiritual guidance blog with you all. 

Firstly I want to say that I really do hope that my guidance blogs helps all my readers in some way or another, I have had a spiritual gift for all my life and a huge interest in what come's to us all after our passing for a very long time but I will save that for another blog. 

My spiritual guidance blogs are all about you guys and me giving something back to you all as good will gesture for always taking the time out to read my blogs and support me in everything I do. 

So lets get on with the legalities and get the boring stuff out the way first.. 

I have to state that all my guidance blogs are for entertainment purpose's only . 

My weekly guidance blogs are for all signs and elements, take what resonates  and leave the rest to the universe . 

Here we go.. 


I have a little message from the universe to everyone who's really struggling with life at the moment. 

Whilst connecting to gain clarity regarding your guidance today I was show a very clear image of a shadow person in front this shadow person two pathways formed  as the vision got clearer I started to see more of a clearer outline of the shadow person, he was male , his expression on his face was somewhat of confusion and fear after a short while and hesitation...

I herd what path should I take the right one it seems less bumpy more plain sailing but what seeks me at the end is safe , unfulfilling in the long run it seems and easy less effort I have a dreaded feeling of regret. 

He looks at the left path its full of bumps its looks scary full of  uncertainties, dark corners great highs and steep lows he feels fear , excitement , great love and release from the ties of life. 

As he stands there he knows he has to make a choice he can't keep holding back in the darkness and floating about hoping everything will work out fine. 

This is a very clear message I get for a lot of you, if you want something in life you have to make it happen it won't just fall in your lap the universe doesn't work like that you have to put the effort in . 

If you want that dream job get of your butt start researching now on training ,  work on gaining skills and the opportunities' will be endless. 

If you have wanted a connection with someone emotionally for a while but you have always been held back by your own emotions and fear , speak your truth because it something wonderful can happen from just one honest truthful conversation if it works out great if it doesn't no regret's only lesson's learnt. 

Life doesn't have a road map you don't always need a plan because plans, people and situations  can change just  like the direction of the wind you need to live in the present and the now. 

First Card 

Four of Cups

Has the grass been looking greener on the other side?

The Four of Cups is a card that tells us we aren’t looking at the good things we already have in our lives, and instead are longing for what we could have.

When this card appears in your readings, it’s challenging you to stop daydreaming about what you could have in your life and instead count your blessings.

The Four of Cups is a warning that we need to be more appreciative of what we have, and show a little more gratitude towards the things we’ve already been blessed with.

When we become self-absorbed, and start taking what we have for granted, we tend to miss out on other opportunities.

The Four of Cups calls attention to the fact that while you are busy wondering about other things, you’re missing out on the chance to improve what you already have.

Second Card

Five Of Cups

The Five of Cups is a surprisingly complex card for being a part of the Minor Arcana.

It is depicted as five golden chalices, three of which have been knocked to their sides while the remaining two stay standing.

This card brings about confirmation of loss, sorrow, and despair, but also signifies that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The three downed cups typically refer to the feelings you already have about your situation.

Whatever it may be that life has thrown at you, it can be hard to come to terms with not being able to put things back as they were.

The Cups suit is related to water, and you certainly cannot refill the fallen chalices with the water they already held.

The two chalices that have been untouched, however, promise that your situation can be salvaged, even if some of its parts have been changed.


Third Card

Page Of Swords 

The Page of Swords is represented by a young man atop a hill, grasping a silver sword in both his hands.

Like the other Page cards of the Minor Arcana, he is still learning and growing.

Often he represents an actual young person in your life.

The Page of Swords stands for truth and justice, as well as open and honest communication.

He is likely to appear to those who are struggling between telling the truth and sparing someone’s feelings, or those who are having a hard time verbally expressing their emotions.

Its important that you express your emotions without fear of the outcome because your at greater risk of hurting yourself trying to keep others happy. 


Forth Card

Page Of Wands 


Generally speaking, the Page of Wands  is in the area of having projects that come to fruition.

Something you initiated a while back starts to deliver positive results.

Another meaning that is to be considered frequently in a reading is that this Page represents a literal person in your life.

(S)he is a high energy person, a high-achiever that brings a positive vibe in your world.

Beware of lack of focus though.

Energy, success and enthusiasm are all good, but don’t take your eyes off the prize just yet.

Keep going keep achieving your hearts desires. 

Fifth Card




Ace Of Cups 

This card is generally depicted as a large golden chalice with water overflowing from within.

The Ace of Cups shows up in a reading when you have reached a point of emotional stability, happiness, and peace.

It is a reminder that you have good emotional intelligence and a strong foundation on which you are able to take on the world, usually with a smile on your face.

A present position Ace of Cups means that the path your life has taken is the best one for you.

Whether it’s your relationship, family life, or career, you are in a secure and stable place emotionally.

Whatever you’ve been doing, it’s working in your favour so keep at it.

Sixth Card 

The World 

This card is also about gaining more insight into what is your role in a bigger scheme of things.

It can be a big project, it can be the community you are part of and so on.

The meaning is that you are more in tune with the world around you.

There is a virtuous circle, i.e. the more success you have, the more connected you feel and the more you are motivated to contribute.

In terms of travel, the World can literally indicate that you may be traveling around the world. You may soon go for a long distance trip.

You may also receive a message from the Universe to be more open to take in elements from the world around you.

Try to become more receptive and expand your awareness.


Thank you for reading I hope you gained comfort and guidance from this weeks post.

Please feel free to share like and comment and donate to my blog if you wish.

PayPal donate link 🔗👇👇

https://paypal.me/Seashellsblog?locale.x=engr 7

Sending Love to you all

Stacie xx

Good afternoon  everyone. 

I'm super excited to share this weeks spiritual guidance blog with you all. 

Firstly I want to say that I really do hope that my guidance blogs helps all my readers in some way or another, I have had a spiritual gift for all my life and a huge interest in what come's to us all after our passing for a very long time but I will save that for another blog. 

My spiritual guidance blogs are all about you guys and me giving something back to you all as good will gesture for always taking the time out to read my blogs and support me in everything I do. 

So lets get on with the legalities and get the boring stuff out the way first.. 

I have to state that all my guidance blogs are for entertainment purpose's only . 

My weekly guidance blogs are for all signs and elements, take what resonates  and leave the rest to the universe . 

Here we go.. 


I have a little message from the universe to everyone who's really struggling with life at the moment. 

Whilst connecting to gain clarity regarding your guidance today I was show a very clear image of a shadow person in front this shadow person two pathways formed  as the vision got clearer I started to see more of a clearer outline of the shadow person, he was male , his expression on his face was somewhat of confusion and fear after a short while and hesitation...

I herd what path should I take the right one it seems less bumpy more plain sailing but what seeks me at the end is safe , unfulfilling in the long run it seems and easy less effort I have a dreaded feeling of regret. 

He looks at the left path its full of bumps its looks scary full of  uncertainties, dark corners great highs and steep lows he feels fear , excitement , great love and release from the ties of life. 

As he stands there he knows he has to make a choice he can't keep holding back in the darkness and floating about hoping everything will work out fine. 

This is a very clear message I get for a lot of you, if you want something in life you have to make it happen it won't just fall in your lap the universe doesn't work like that you have to put the effort in . 

If you want that dream job get of your butt start researching now on training ,  work on gaining skills and the opportunities' will be endless. 

If you have wanted a connection with someone emotionally for a while but you have always been held back by your own emotions and fear , speak your truth because it something wonderful can happen from just one honest truthful conversation if it works out great if it doesn't no regret's only lesson's learnt. 

Life doesn't have a road map you don't always need a plan because plans, people and situations  can change just  like the direction of the wind you need to live in the present and the now. 

First Card 

Four of Cups

Has the grass been looking greener on the other side?

The Four of Cups is a card that tells us we aren’t looking at the good things we already have in our lives, and instead are longing for what we could have.

When this card appears in your readings, it’s challenging you to stop daydreaming about what you could have in your life and instead count your blessings.

The Four of Cups is a warning that we need to be more appreciative of what we have, and show a little more gratitude towards the things we’ve already been blessed with.

When we become self-absorbed, and start taking what we have for granted, we tend to miss out on other opportunities.

The Four of Cups calls attention to the fact that while you are busy wondering about other things, you’re missing out on the chance to improve what you already have.

Second Card

Five Of Cups

The Five of Cups is a surprisingly complex card for being a part of the Minor Arcana.

It is depicted as five golden chalices, three of which have been knocked to their sides while the remaining two stay standing.

This card brings about confirmation of loss, sorrow, and despair, but also signifies that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The three downed cups typically refer to the feelings you already have about your situation.

Whatever it may be that life has thrown at you, it can be hard to come to terms with not being able to put things back as they were.

The Cups suit is related to water, and you certainly cannot refill the fallen chalices with the water they already held.

The two chalices that have been untouched, however, promise that your situation can be salvaged, even if some of its parts have been changed.


Third Card

Page Of Swords 

The Page of Swords is represented by a young man atop a hill, grasping a silver sword in both his hands.

Like the other Page cards of the Minor Arcana, he is still learning and growing.

Often he represents an actual young person in your life.

The Page of Swords stands for truth and justice, as well as open and honest communication.

He is likely to appear to those who are struggling between telling the truth and sparing someone’s feelings, or those who are having a hard time verbally expressing their emotions.

Its important that you express your emotions without fear of the outcome because your at greater risk of hurting yourself trying to keep others happy. 


Forth Card

Page Of Wands 


Generally speaking, the Page of Wands  is in the area of having projects that come to fruition.

Something you initiated a while back starts to deliver positive results.

Another meaning that is to be considered frequently in a reading is that this Page represents a literal person in your life.

(S)he is a high energy person, a high-achiever that brings a positive vibe in your world.

Beware of lack of focus though.

Energy, success and enthusiasm are all good, but don’t take your eyes off the prize just yet.

Keep going keep achieving your hearts desires. 

Fifth Card




Ace Of Cups 

This card is generally depicted as a large golden chalice with water overflowing from within.

The Ace of Cups shows up in a reading when you have reached a point of emotional stability, happiness, and peace.

It is a reminder that you have good emotional intelligence and a strong foundation on which you are able to take on the world, usually with a smile on your face.

A present position Ace of Cups means that the path your life has taken is the best one for you.

Whether it’s your relationship, family life, or career, you are in a secure and stable place emotionally.

Whatever you’ve been doing, it’s working in your favour so keep at it.

Sixth Card 

The World 

This card is also about gaining more insight into what is your role in a bigger scheme of things.

It can be a big project, it can be the community you are part of and so on.

The meaning is that you are more in tune with the world around you.

There is a virtuous circle, i.e. the more success you have, the more connected you feel and the more you are motivated to contribute.

In terms of travel, the World can literally indicate that you may be traveling around the world. You may soon go for a long distance trip.

You may also receive a message from the Universe to be more open to take in elements from the world around you.

Try to become more receptive and expand your awareness.


Thank you for reading I hope you gained comfort and guidance from this weeks post.

Please feel free to share like and comment and donate to my blog if you wish.

PayPal donate link 🔗👇👇

https://paypal.me/Seashellsblog?locale.x=engr 7

Sending Love to you all

Stacie xx

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