What Your Tarot Says About Your Style

    Participating in a tarot reading or reading your own tarot can tell you a lot about where you are in your life. Even non-believers can find an intuitive reading eerily accurate. Tarot can help you make big and small decisions for your future. Is it time to make that big move? Should you order takeout tonight or be more frugal with your money?

    Unlike a magic eight ball, tarot helps you address when you have an abundance and when you're having a more complicated or conflicted time. What the cards represent can be deeply meaningful in more ways than one. Here's what your tarot reading says about your style.

    Ace of Wands

    If you pull an upright Ace of Wands tarot card, you're certainly in luck. You're probably feeling particularly creative. Perhaps your inspiration may be flowing more easily than usual. If you haven't noticed it yet, look out for these kinds of feelings in your near future and follow them.

    The suit of wands is ruled by the element of fire, representing passion. This means it's a great time to start a new project or take a new artistic risk. Think more creatively, as it were. Now is a great time to update your wardrobe when the ace of wands is at your disposal. Try out a style you've always wanted to but hadn't the courage to sport. Feel comfortable in your own skin because it could be a new beginning that you never expected. For example, you may find a reignited love of velvet scrunchies. They could become your new signature accessory, but you have to try it out first.

    If you pull the ace of wands reversed, it means you're probably feeling frustrated or low energy. Tarot cards are a reflection of yourself and don't indicate a set future or feeling. People have the agency to find their own path. If you're feeling uninspired, make wardrobe choices that challenge that negativity. What do you like to wear when you're feeling great? A tarot reading with a reversed ace of wands can help you identify your feelings so you're able to counteract them.

    The Sun

    Seeing The Sun appear in your tarot spread means you're vibing at a high frequency. There's nothing shadowy about this time in your life. Your happiness and greatness are evident, and you can literally wear it on your sleeve, or rather through your jewelry.

    Diamonds aren't subtle. They shimmer in the sun and reflect your good fortune. They capture light and send it back out into the world. When the sun appears, it's time to wear your diamonds with pride. If you don't own diamonds, take The Sun as a sign to treat yourself to ethical diamonds. As someone interested in tarot and energy, you know that what you put out into the world comes back, usually tenfold. By taking the time to select ethical diamonds, you're doing a good thing and should reap the rewards while satisfying your need for sparkle. You can still get diamonds with the same brilliance and clarity as natural diamonds with a gentler effect on humanity. As the saying goes, "as above, so below."

    The Hermit

    The Hermit is a sign of introspection and sabbatical. Put your sweatpants on, pop on your favorite sweater, and pick your coziest socks in the drawer to adorn your feet. Take out your journal and have a night in to reflect on your life and goals. If you pull The Hermit card frequently, you're probably not one for dressing up in service of others. You prefer to be comfortable and logical. When you do go out, you put a considerable amount of thought into what you wear, and it's almost assuredly functional even if it's cute.

    You can use tarot to determine your style just as much as other decisions you make. You're the author of your own story and can always dress opposing a card you pull to counterbalance more negative energy. Blessed be!

    • Martina F Martina F :

      I was always fascinated by tarot cards but I have no idea to how to start and know this magical world! How did you start?  

      3 years ago 
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