Vacation Sex

    Cummunication 101 #3


    Well we were supposed to be in #Ireland this week, but #COVID19 put the #kibosh on that. We have been cooped up way too long. We decided to make the six hour trek to Colorado to get our family together to celebrate two of our adult children graduating from college in May #Classof2020. And since we are on the road, yet again, in our #RV, I felt it might be a good time to discuss #VacationSex.

    One thing we had to get creative with, in our years together, especially as parents, is making time and privacy for #intimacy and sex while vacationing with our four boys. Making privacy... It is a difficult thing to find the privacy to feel safe enough to express yourself and enjoy each other without the kids knowing. The last thing any parent wants to do is to give their kids an image that will haunt their nightmares for eternity! So, we really tried to keep it on the down low and came up with ways to be intimate while staying in hotels, the #RV, #AirBnB, other people's homes, etc.

    One thing we did was be strategic with booking our vacations. We made sure there was a separate space for us parents. #AirBnBs with more than one bedroom, adjoining hotel rooms so you can shut the door separating the kids after "bedtime", and play time when we #RV, booking an #RV park that has a playground or pool (#KOAs are great for this) so the kids can go play while we "tidy up" the #RV and "rest". :-)


    Of course, this works better when the oldest is mature enough to keep an eye on the younger siblings, but, when the kids were young we had to be very quiet and careful not to rock the #RV. These were times where quiet touching and teasing worked wonders. We made sure we bought an rig that had a door or screen to separate our master bed area. Both with our pull behind trailer and our Class A.


    The bottom line is; you can't ALWAYS wait until after everyone is sound asleep before you are intimate, who has the energy to stay up that late anyway? Early bedtime doesn't equal kids being or falling asleep. When we put the boys to bed with their movies, we would "watch TV" in our room.


    We also made it a point that it was good manners to always knock before entering a room. We were honest with our boys and said that if our door is closed we are probably changing or being intimate.


    To summarize, with a little strategy, your #intimacy can be exciting to anticipate. Plan it out! Trust me, it doesn't take away from the romance to be tactical for your sanity! Having kids pretty much takes care of removing romance anyways unless you have a babysitter and go on a date night, which is the same thing... Planning your #intimacy. Don't feel bad about having mommy and daddy time! Go have fun and vacation and have fun, ahem, I mean sex while vacationing! C-U next time.


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