What's your why?

    Evening all ❤️ 

    I really hope you are all OK. 

    Tonight im going to be blogging about  questions that I've been asked since i started blogging back in april 2019.

    Below i will choose six of the most asked questions. 

    I hope you enjoy getting to know me.... 

    Here we go.. 

    What made you want to blog and what inspired you to share your experiences. 

    Katie Sunderland. 🇬🇧 

    Well katie it all started back in April 2019 

    I had just about had enough of everything being messed around by people disrespected by people and i had completely lost myself. 

    I had spoken to my mum a few months previously about how I'm not able to openly communicate face to face about my feelings and emotions. 

    I explained how i felt it had been an issue in the past with relationships and friendships. 

    I really didn't feel comfortable with telling people around me as i felt that no one cared about what i had to say. 

    So i did the most scariest thing ever i had taken a deep breath and hit that sign up button for me to start my own blog and i haven't looked back since. 

    Second question 🙋 

    Alot of your blogs are about love and how you deal with heartbreak are you ok now or do you still feel lost in love. 

    I just want to thank you for helping me also overcome heartbreak. 

    Beth cornwall. 🇬🇧 

    Ahh love where do i start with this one well yes answer is I've had lots of heartbreak in not only relationships but also friendships over the past few years. 

    The past year has allowed me to really think about what i want from life and the company i keep around me. 

    Its not been easy dealing with rejection infact its one of the hardest pills to swallow. 

    But you know I've come to the conclusion now that not everything is meant for us however bad we want it. 

    Its ok I've grown and ive learnt to accept it. 

    I am glad you have taken comfort from my posts. 

    Third question 🙋 

    Do you get paid to advertise for companies and do you ever get free products. 

    Samantha Brixham 🇬🇧 

    Unfortunately sam i dont get paid if i advertise for a company its normally a local company. 

    I will advertise and its all done from the goodness of my heart i love to see others do well in life and i also like to help my local town and surrounding areas. 

    I also support small businesses too because i feel its important to show support to others and help them grow. 

    I sometimes get the odd free product but mostly i purchase items to review. 

    Fourth question 🙋 

    Do you ever think you might be famous like mrs hinch and other bloggers. 

    Timothy Jersey 🇬🇧 

    I have no desire to be famous or popular its  not something that's ever bothered me. 

    I am quite happy just being me doing what im doing im not after a celebrity lifestyle i just want to be myself and share my experiences with people from all over the world. 

    Fifth question 🙋 

    I see your very active on all your social media accounts do you enjoy connecting with others and do you travel much. 

    Helen Australia 🇦🇺 

    Thats a very good question i can sometimes post alot more at the weekends. 

    Due to work and other commitments so i do tend to post alot more on Saturday and Sunday. 

    I save up all my weekly events untill the evenings or weekends. 

    I sometimes don't posts until i have time to sit quietly and focus on my blog posts and its important to me how i connect to my readers. 

    I did have travel plans but due to current circumstances ive been unable too go ahead and travel. 

    I've been planning a family holiday for two years now but that's still not happened. 

    But when the times right it will do. 

    Until then i have adventures planned with friends  towards end of the year fingers crossed that they are ok to go ahead. 

    Sixth question 🙋 

    I see that your a very spiritual person are you religious in anyway and do you believe in spirit world and beyond. 

    Thank you so much for your weekly guidance too i find it very helpful and uplifting. 

    Holly Manchester 🇬🇧

    Holly im a very spiritual person but i don't follow religion at all. 

    I believe in what i want to believe in. 

    And that's not a criticism to people who do follow faith but its not for me. 

    I've had a lot of spiritual experiences in the past and im also highly intuitive and sensitive to spirit world but apart from that im jusy a normal women with her own beliefs. 

    Im so glad you find comfort in my guidance blogs. 

    Im come to the end of my blog and i really hope that you haven't fell asleep whilst reading. 

    But i also hope its given you a bit of an insight to my journey as a blogger. 

    Love to you all 😊 😊 

    Stacie 🐚 💋 💄 ❤️ ❤️ 





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