Sunday Mornings

Product details: Looktheotherway.co

Sunday Mornings

    “You look like you jumped out of another era”, and I self-consciously think I did! But who can pass over the opportunity of bike-riding in a dress on a sunny Sunday morning?

    I blame it on the many pictures from another time I’ve been staring at these past few days. I think I got inspired by the flowy dresses, the romantic hair scarves and their jolly, carefree endeavors. Thus, I decided that this Sunday morning will not look like any other.

    Looking down at my flowy white dress, the hidden culottes and the frills of my shoes, I daresay I may have been a bit overdressed for the whole mundane scenario. Nevertheless, I enjoy how adding a bit of extra something with no occasion at all, can create quite a startling reaction to passersby. Some may enjoy it, some may think it too much, while others may even question “what’s the story?”

    That story is what I was trying to put out there, since passersby approval is not a prerequisite. When wanting to appear like you just popped out of a celluloid story, might I suggest romantic floor length dresses, mysterious cat-eye sunglasses and a dash of sass!


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