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Product details: PRODUCTS USED: Estee Lauder Double Wear Shiseido ‘On Makeup Spot Corrector’ Rimmel Stay Matte Powder

Hi everyone!!
Yay for another Eid look!!! Today’s look is a little more ‘gothic’ and dark – thought it was a nice spin on Eid makeup. It’s actually winter in New Zealand at the moment so I just have vampy vibes all over! A BIG THANK YOU to Jade (Whitegirlrevert) who did this video with me. Please check her video on her makeup and outfit for Eid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Cb1Js5Vu-ws&app=desktop and subscribe to her channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrO8Wldk7xtZD_ifUqhYQ2Q?&ab_channel=WhiteGirlRevert
♡ Subscribe to my Y O U T U B E C H A N N E L ♡: https://www.youtube.com/user/DolledupBySamantha
♡ Add me on S N A P C H A T for quick updates ♡ : sameow21
♡ Follow my B L O G ♡ : http://insidesamsmind.com/
♡ Follow me on I N S T A G R A M♡ : samantha.mariam
♡ Like me on F A C E B O O K to see upcoming videos and updates ♡ : http://www.facebook.com/SamanthaMariamOfficial
♡ Business inquiries only ♡: mariambusinesses@gmail.com
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hey guys so my name is Samantha Mariam (Mariam is my last name) and I am a muslim convert. I converted to Islam in August 2015 and I put my story up on youtube shortly after I told my parents about my reversion to Islam. The video got a lot of attention from other reverts looking for support and just people in general so I continued this channel to document my journey, help other reverts and express my other passions! Hope you stick around and subscribe so we can go through this journey together!
♥ What country do you live in? New Zealand
♥ What is your ethnicity? I am 100% pure Filipino
♥ Birthday? 21/02/1994 ??
♥ Are you in a relationship? Married. ??
♥ What camera do you use to film? Canon 700D and Canon sx610 for vlogs
♥ What do you use to edit your videos? Filmora Wondershare
♡ OPEN THIS ♡ Hi everyone!! Yay for another Eid look!!! Today’s look is a little more ‘gothic’ and dark – thought it was a nice spin on Eid makeup. It’s actually winter in New Zealand at the moment so I just have vampy vibes all over! A BIG THANK YOU to Jade (Whitegirlrevert) who did this video with me. Please check her video on her makeup and outfit for Eid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Cb1Js5Vu-ws&app=desktop and subscribe to her channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrO8Wldk7xtZD_ifUqhYQ2Q?&ab_channel=WhiteGirlRevert ♡ Subscribe to my Y O U T U B E C H A N N E L ♡: https://www.youtube.com/user/DolledupBySamantha ♡ Add me on S N A P C H A T for quick updates ♡ : sameow21 ♡ Follow my B L O G ♡ : http://insidesamsmind.com/ ♡ Follow me on I N S T A G R A M♡ : samantha.mariam ♡ Like me on F A C E B O O K to see upcoming videos and updates ♡ : http://www.facebook.com/SamanthaMariamOfficial ♡ Business inquiries only ♡: mariambusinesses@gmail.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ABOUT ME: Hey guys so my name is Samantha Mariam (Mariam is my last name) and I am a muslim convert. I converted to Islam in August 2015 and I put my story up on youtube shortly after I told my parents about my reversion to Islam. The video got a lot of attention from other reverts looking for support and just people in general so I continued this channel to document my journey, help other reverts and express my other passions! Hope you stick around and subscribe so we can go through this journey together! QUICK FACTS: ♥ What country do you live in? New Zealand ♥ What is your ethnicity? I am 100% pure Filipino ♥ Birthday? 21/02/1994 ?? ♥ Are you in a relationship? Married. ?? ♥ What camera do you use to film? Canon 700D and Canon sx610 for vlogs ♥ What do you use to edit your videos? Filmora Wondershare
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