

Salad Dressings - Quick, Simple, Homemade | Upgrade Your Weekly Lunches

Salad Dressing Recipes
10   Minutes

If you hate boring salads but need easy and quick lunch ideas, these recipes are for you. Try these three homemade and simple salad dressings so you never have to sacrifice flavor again!

Eating and cooking are probably among my top five pleasures in life. Therefore, I’ve made a personal commitment to never eat something that I am not truly excited about. The idea of eating simply to feed myself, even when I’m out of time, sounds like a complete blasphemy to me. So, as you can imagine, I’m a huge fan of delicious recipes that you can prep in advance to enjoy later. These salad dressings are exactly that! 

Keep reading to find out how you can upgrade your weekly lunches even when you are on the clock. 

Pesto Aioli Dressing

Pair this dressing with some cherry tomatoes, a decadent burrata and some toasted bread with butter to be instantly transported to a sunny Italian terrace. Furthermore, you can also use this multipurpose recipe as a dip and serve it with some veggies, bread or French fries.


2 Egg Yolks
 ½ cup of Olive Oil
 ¼ cup of Vegetable Oil
 4 tablespoons of Fresh Basil 
 2 to 3 large cloves of Garlic 
 1 tablespoon of Lemon Juice 
 Salt and Pepper to Taste


Start by blending the yolks, basil and lemon juice in a food processor. After combining these ingredients, turn the processor on, once again, and pour in the olive and vegetable oil slowly and as a steady stream. Add salt and pepper to taste. 


Orange Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

Honey Mustard is a salad dressing staple. Here we take one step further by adding a sweet and citrus twist. The orange adds just the perfect touch of brightness and acidity and promises to upgrade any salad you make.   


¼ cup of Mayonnaise
 2/3 cup of Mustard 
 4 tablespoons of Honey 
 ½ cup fresh squeezed Orange Juice 
 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar 
 Pepper to Taste


Simply add all of the ingredients to a blender or a food processor. Then, mix together until it forms a uniform sauce. Store in the fridge. 


Greek Yogurt Dressing

Light, fresh and very, very delicious. This dressing is perfect to pair with cucumber, in-season tomatoes, black olives and lettuce. You can also use it to drizzle over grilled meat or even as a marinade sauce. 


1 cup of Greek Yogurt
 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar 
 1 tablespoon of fresh Lemon Juice
 1 clove of crushed Garlic 
 ¼ teaspoon of dried Onion Powder 
 2 tablespoons of fresh Chives 
 10 crushed Black Olives
 Salt and Pepper to taste


Start by thinly chopping the chives, garlic and olives. Then, add all of the ingredients to a jar. Mix together until it forms a uniform sauce. Store in the fridge.


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