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Well, this is pretty awesome! In order for the post to qualify and receive this accolade, it has to have a minimum of 700 words and two images (at least one original).
Receiving this accolade means two things: 1) Your content is amazing! Good job! 2) Your content qualifies for our monetization program. Every week two of the most read posts receive monetary rewards.
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Our digital advent calendar is live💖⚡️
Every day from the 1st to the 24th of December we will be sharing stories of empowering women, who will then share their experiences, know-how, and hands-on tips.💛 Furthermore, every day you will be getting a gift from either our team or the featured women. ✨ Check FashionPotluck.com and our social media channels every evening in order to not miss any feature!
And, here's your first gift:

Free tickets to Leah Carey's webinar happening already today:
Already today (7:30PM CET | 1:30PM ET) we will talk to Leah Carey about loving yourself the way you are and understanding that other people will love you exactly the way you are. Leah will share her own experiences and journey to self-love.✨
Swipe to get your free ticket.🍬
Leah Carey is a sex and intimacy coach and host of the podcast “Good Girls Talk About Sex.” She works with people eager to explore new avenues of their sexuality and fulfill their greatest desires, like: diving back into the dating pool after a long time away, having first-time queer experiences, investigating consensual non-monogamy, or learning how to communicate about kink.
Leah's superpower is radical empathy. When you work with her, she reflects your true sexual nature back to you without judgment, so you can see yourself without shame.
Find her at www.leahcarey.com or @GoodGirlsTalk on social media.
Leave any comment under this post to retrieve your free ticket.✨ We are so looking forward to tonight. And you?
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