

I never thought I had the motivation to make a change to my lifestyle and eating habits but after a few rough months and lots of heartache. 

I decided it was time to make drastic changes.

I didn't want to just lose the weight that was holding me back but I wanted to work on my self-worth and learn to love myself again.

Over the past ten years, as I've gradually yoyo dieted and lost and gained weight. 

I've been aware of so many changes - not just in my body but life in general.

But this time round I've worked my hardest.

Here are 10 things that you don't expect to happen when you lose weight...

1.Your skin will loosen and head to your feet.

I know, gross. Once you start dropping the pounds, everyone experiences this and its not always exercise that helps with excess skin in fact it doesn't hardly help at all.

This has to be one of my main issues at the moment it's been getting to me that bad I've actually consulted two private medical practices to ask about paid surgery to remove excess skin.

It's unbearable at times.

2. Itchy skin and sore stretch marks.

If you have lost weight and have stretch marks from either having children or rapid weight gain.

The healing process of shrinking stretch marks is terrible if you have this problem too then you feel my pain.

3.Your breasts will shrink.

 I miss the fullness of my boobs.

Don't get me wrong, they are still a good handful but not quite what they were.

I've reversed two cup sizes which is good for me due to less back pain and better fitting underwear.

4.You feel guilty for even looking at a freddo

I'm more relaxed with my eating now but in the first few months I would feel so guilty if I ate something 'naughty'. Do allow yourself treats (weekends are a good time for this) but in moderation, of course!

5.You become a boring . 

I'm sure I've bored friends and family with my nutritional advice as they bite into a sandwich. Sorry.

It's just because you feel so passionate about your own body and taking care of it you just try and help others.

That can sometimes come across as being over boring with annoying weight loss information.

6. Constantly having to be careful when buying new items of clothing. 

This should be enjoyable and a happier side of weightloss infact the whole thing just stresses me out, down to remembering you don't need your past bigger sizes.

To not wanting to spend a small fortune on clothes that may not fit you after more increased weightloss.

7. The true understanding that being thin doesn't make you happier. 

True statement there, just because being thin changes your body and mental attitude it doesn't mean that all your problems will disappear.

Remember that your weight doesn't define you as a person.

8. Maintaining the weight loss.

Maintenance can be even harder than losing the weight itself. When I began my journey, I was fueled by success, non-scale victories, and a newfound confidence I gained from becoming a healthier and happier me. But once I began to reach that weight range I’d been gunning for, I started to think, “Well, I’ve already lost a ton of weight. 

So adapting my future healthy eating plan for long term process wasn't going to be easy.

9. My relationships with friends and family have changed; some have grown stronger, and some have become more distant.

When you embark on a big lifestyle change like this, you aren’t just adjusting your eating habits and physical activity. Your interests, hobbies, and thought processes change, too. Even my relationships have changed.

Some friendships have grown apart, because our relationships were so heavily fueled by social drinking and eating. 

I think the hardest part about this lifestyle change is that I never anticipated my friendships would shift.

10. I am still scared that I will spiral out of control and gain everything back.

This is an irrational thought, but it is also a very real one. It is especially heightened when I’m traveling or enjoying life and I go in the “fuck it, I’m on vacation” mode, and I binge to the point where I’m not sure I can come back from it.

Like going hard on sweets or alcohol hiding it from friends out of guilt, or overeating in general.

I'm aware that this is a problem for me, and it terrifies me when I lose control that way.

While I would be upset if I reversed my hard work, I think there’s a deeper fear there of disappointing everyone else and having my failure displayed on a very public level.

So there you have it the truths that no one tells you during the process of losing weight...

I hope I've helped 😊

Love to you all

Stacie xx






  • Epsita M Epsita M :

    Very useful and informative post. Thank you for this. Makes me feel better <3 :) 

    4 years ago 
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