

How These 6 Simple Choices Can Help You In Creating A Better Life

How These 6 Simple Choices Can Help You In Creating A Better Life

    "You are your choices."
                                            - Seneca.

    "You chose to live;" and that is the biggest choice- you have ever made to create a better life for yourself!

    Life is 'definitely' not an easy task; but we still continue to carry on, and complete this task. Many give-up; and many still continue- with all the ups and downs- that life brings them.

    In any situation, we always get two choices: to go for it and to not go for it. Deciding what you should do; and why- will help you to make things better.
     Life is sure; not an easy choice! But your choices play a very important role in creating a better life for yourself!

    Unaware of tomorrow, while carrying the heavy burdens of yesterdays'- life goes on- and we decide to live.

    "Whenever I am stuck in finding out: I try to listen to my inner voice. I get wrong sometimes; and sometimes things get wrong for me. They look something, but the reality turns out to be completely opposite. But I don't give up! There was a time, I used to feel helpless and not blessed but now I think- I have learned from many experiences that- God is going to give me something much better in my platter (called life)."

    "I always had two choices: either continue feeling miserable, by sulking and blaming myself- day and night; or to bury everything right there, and take the next step- where a new life was awaiting."

    "By taking small better steps; towards improving my life-one-day-at-a-time, helped me to feel better and be better."

    Making some conscious "positive" choices really helps you to change things in your life.

              Making Right Choices Can Change Your Life

    Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

    I added the following choices-for my better life, and for my better today and tomorrow. Hope these will help you too!

    1. Choose to be available only in your present.

    I have always heard people saying,"past is past. Live in your present." But I am sure you will agree with me that,"how hard you try to forget past; past always interferes in your present." 

    Every-time you will try to avoid the past memories and incidents- it will haunt you, and it will disturb your present. So try not to avoid past; rather face it. Be bold enough to find out the reasons-that takes you back 'there!' Understand the reasons and compare it with your present life. I am sure; when you find out the 'difference in life' between- then and now; you will stop traveling back to your past and feel incomplete and unhappy. This will also help you to continue with the changes and challenges (if any that happens your way) in the coming days; and you will remain happily balanced-in your present.

    2. Choose to free your mind of all the blames, relationship disharmonies, disagreements, imperfections and all the unnecessary limits.

    The moment you empty your mind of all the blames, and expectations; you connect with your beliefs, and desires. This helps you to think clearly. Try not to blame yourself for everything-that is happening at present.

    "I realized something from my personal experiences that,"in any relationship for any kind of disharmony or disagreements, both people should be blamed, and not just one. So stop! blaming yourself!"

    Try at-least once to make things better! If it does not work-out; remember-you need to give yourself some more time. "Certain relationships get better with time."

    So stop overthinking, and start enjoying things, that the moment is offering you.

    3. Choose to let go, and find peace for yourself.

    Remember: you just have one life- to do more, to see more, and to live more. Worrying and hurting yourself (in any way) won't help you to get over certain things in life. Bring more peace to your life, as nothing is more important than having "true peace and happiness."

    "I realized that; I cannot change people, cannot change the way they accept me; cannot change how they behave with me; but I can always let certain things, and certain people go from my life. Let go their thoughts. Let go all or any negative behaviors that makes me unhappy, and exhausted."

    Make yourself agree with the fact that- you can always choose to make healthy relationships. See everything that you've learned from a difficult relationship[s] as useful and empowering, instead of feeling as a failure and or exhausted.

    4. Choose to honor your purpose and dreams.

    Life and circumstances may throw you back and forth; may toss your dreams, and may dump you in a dark state, where you will find no path to move forward or go backward- in your life. That's when you remember the purpose; the dreams-that you have left half-way, or never felt it was important for you!

    That feeling of getting up and going to achieve your goals, your dreams will fuel your strength to make a difference in your life. To be a better and beautiful you!

    5. Choose to accept yourself, even with negative, broken, unwanted, and ignored parts- that defines you.

    We don't like so many things and so many people in our life; but we still continue with them. Why? May be because we are dependent upon each other; or may be because we know that, we will still need them. Tell the truth!

    We know, they hold a certain space in our heart as well as in our life.

    We know that- we too have many negative qualities; but accepting them-helped you to understand yourself better; and you were able to see the difference.

    Many don't accept!

    Not accepting who you are-in real sense, will only force you to defend for your 'not so right' things. You don't need to tell anyone who you are; but understanding yourself-both inside and the out, will make things easier, and you find a way out- to be the happier you!

    6. Be unstoppable in improving your life.

    Promise yourself: "Nothing is going to stop me- from being the better me." "I want to bring a difference to my health, wellness and living; and I will try my best to continue improving."

    Do not stop what you have started; that is bringing peace, happiness and purpose to your life. And if you're looking forward to making choices for creating your better life, then try to follow these simple choices I've mentioned above, and lead your life to the best way you want!

    Understand. Start. Continue. Continue Further. A Little More Further. Smile. You are Doing Great. You are Almost There. Relax. Go Again. Stay Unstoppable at Life!

    Your stories shape your life, so be available all-the-time to edit, to tweak, to adjust, to incorporate, to make necessary changes as an when required to make it better than it was yesterday, and to make better choices that will lead you to a better life 

    To read more inspiring/lifestyle articles visit my Blog- https://www.thepositivewindow.com/

    Main Image Credit- Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash 

    • Caroline B Caroline B :

      I love the tip about trying not to avoid the past, but face it instead. It's hard to live completely in the present when you are caught up in the past, but ignoring it completely can be challenging. Thanks for sharing ways to use the past to better your present life! 

      4 years ago 
      • Epsita M Epsita M :

        Thank you so much, Caroline <3 Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. 

        4 years ago 
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