There are 11 posts created by our women community under the tag mindfulness:
Mindful Living: A Guide to Incorporating...
Learn how to reduce stress, increase focus, and improve your well-being with these simple yet
Self-Promotion Webinar - Lisa...
Webinar with Lisa Ross-Marcus: Putting Yourself Out There 🤍 Available for members of the
Orgasm Series #5 of 5; What Does Henry...
Well the Holidays came and went and so did my passion for writing, it seems that went somewhere as
Orgasm Series #1 of 5; 10 Tips for a...
This is my first post of a five part blog series all about orgasms. Not everyone can achieve an
Imaaaagination In Intimacy
Cummunication 101 #18 The fact is, a great sex life after you have been married for a while, in my
Oh No! Not again...an unwelcome and...
Cummunication 101 #9 (Originally posted 16 July 2020 on www.sexuallymindful.com) “Practice
Go L@O#V$E% yourself!
originally POSTED ON JULY 2, 2020 BY COACHMARYCCummunication 101 # 7/8 Tips for self-discovery
Toxic Torture
Cummunication 101 #11 (originally posted at www.sexuallymindful.com on Jun 30, 2020)
Confidence is Sexy
Confidence is sexy! You may have heard that somewhere before. How true is it? I say VERY! I'm
How Remote Learning Made Me Productive,...
The year 2020 has introduced us to our new superpower, that we never ever knew
What is being #sexuallymindful anyways?
What is being #sexuallymindful anyways? Cummunication 101#4 #Mindfulness is nothing new. In fact,
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