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What being in a relationship taught me:
I always want to be independent.
Independence is not necessarily something tied to being single. There’s definitely a whole idea of a ‘strong and independent single woman’ - whilst I think the empowerment behind it is great, independence doesn’t necessarily have to go hand in hand with being single. I found that even when in a relationship, independence was something I really wanted to keep and sometimes made me feel like I missed being single because of it. I associated being single with being free and I missed it. However, I’ve learnt you should have independence within a relationship and be free to live your own life. If you don’t feel like you can be independent in your relationship, then something isn’t right. You should feel free even within a relationship- being with someone should just feel like another choice you have made. You should be able to live your own life and it is not healthy not to have a life outside of one with your partner.
I don’t have commitment issues, it just wasn’t the right person.
Adapting to each other.

Caroline B :
This is a really great post, I agree with so much of what you said- I've also noticed the association of being single to being independent, but don't think that being in a relationship means that you shouldn't be independent. I have known people who are single but become dependent in other ways not associated to a romantic relationship. I think independence comes from how a person carries themselves and sets their boundaries like you mentioned as well!
Teresa . :
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Yes, how you carry yourself makes such a difference! Hope you are well!
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