

Blogging Misconceptions: Debunked [Part 1]

    It's TIME to debunk a common blogging misconception! 

    And it's this: "Blogging is just taking pretty photos and writing whatever you want." Yes, it's important to have high-quality photos

    And you have a say on what topic you want to write about

    But blogging is more than photography & writing.
    There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff that goes into one post and a lot of tasks that come with blogging.

    In order to succeed in the blogging industry, you have to know what your ideal reader wants to read because if you know their pain points and struggles, then you'll be able to put out content that they'll keep coming back to and that they can relate to.

    Then they'll see you as an expert for that specific topic.

    Aside from that, you have to do keyword research, market research, email marketing, community building, networking and the list goes on.

    DM me on https://www.instagram.com/izzmatias what's your take on this!

    For more blog & biz tips, check out izzymatias.com!


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