Hi Everyone

    The post below .... Is part of my blogpost I wrote on my blog when corona just started in our country and we were on our 9th day of lockdown when it wasn't that bad. We are now currently at level 3 , things seem too normal in our country at the moment( schools are open , most people back at work etc.) as we reaching out peak ! We did so well , I think things went kinda back too normal to quickly.

    Below is just a few pointers/words of encouragement I thought would be useful to those feeling abit urgghh about this whole pandemic.

    I know this might be a very very hard time for some as you had things planned, exciting things happening for your business, at work and especially those that is always on the goo to make things happen BUT you  know what it's maybe the chance to slow down a bit.. 

    Do something you always pushed aside like :

    • reading your books
    • spending time with your kids/spouse/family
    • practice that dish you always wanted to try 
    • or maybe just to relax and reflect   
    To recover from this pandemic is going to be a challenge for everyone and think that this is going to be the NEW NORMAL for a very long time, hopefully not god willing but just sending some love to the small businesses going through this difficult time and to those suffering some financial strain or any situation that is tough that I have not mention but WE CAN DO THIS ! and we WILL get through this together as long as we listening and doing our part this will soon blow over.  

    Please comment(I would appreciate it) below where in the world you are and is your country currently on lockdown? What are you doing with your extra free time and what is the first thing you dreaming of doing when this is all over , I would love to know.

    Meanwhile please stay safe everyone during this crazy time.


    - Nabeelah


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