Dressing Up At Home

    Are you feeling completely stuck at home some nights after you've finished work?? Even weekends don't feel the same way as they used to. You just feel stuck in a realm where there is no escape except to follow the basic routine every day. On one hand, having extra time on hand motivates you to do productive stuff like workout, catch up with a hobby, creative cooking, reading or just endlessly scrolling down the social media. There are days when you just don't want to do anything but the days feel so cloned, that you end up doing everything. I mean why not when you have nothing to do? 

    If I speak for myself, I find it difficult to have a balance between doing everything and doing nothing. I am a person who goes out, likes to have fine candlelight dinners, play games, try out new spaces, organise date nights, go for shoots, or simply just sit in the park the whole day. This made me realise how much I took those things for granted. All the small things which made me feel so great. 

    Without those opportunities, it's easy to feel hollow and so after seeing a few other people being dressed up and calling shots at home itself. I thought even I could go a step ahead. I decided to get dressed every day. I usually take the evening in my hands. I put on a dress like I am heading out, do a bit of makeup and just feel good. Mostly I make Tiktoks, dinner and spend some quality time with Ashish. Don't be afraid and don't judge yourself for dressing up at home. It's the least you can do to get out of those pyjamas and feel fresh. 

    Let me help you and share a few steps you could take to make most of your evenings.

    To read more : https://www.confessionofmusings.com/post/dressing-up-at-home 

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