Free Downloads: NY Resolutions Lists

    First and foremost, Happy New Year dear community!

    Did you make a wish on the night of the 31st? Have you analyzed the past year and planned for the next one?

    First days of January are perfect for analyzing your past achievements, making wishes, and planning ahead. From the 1st of January onward you are on a fresh start - perfect time for making you plans and dreams come true, getting rid of bad habits and acquiring healthy ones.

    For your convenience, and most importantly, for visualization, we've created these New Years Resolutions lists. You can download them for free on the following links:

    "My 2017" list - https://fashionpotluck.com/wpwr/My_2017.pdf

    "In 2018 I want to..." list - https://fashionpotluck.com/wpwr/ToDo_in_2018.pdf

    "My Biggest Wish" list - https://fashionpotluck.com/wpwr/TheBiggest_Wish.pdf

    Enjoy them and let us know about your biggest NY resolution!♥


    The Fashion Potluck Team

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