From the Stylist's Point of View - Sexiness Has No Age

From the Stylist's Point of View - Sexiness Has No Age

    Is there an age to feel and be sexy?

    No, sexiness comes in all ages and sizes.

    Growing up, women tend to start feeling that being sexy is a sin.  Well maybe the society made that kind of attitude.  Being sexy does not mean going running out naked in the middle of the street.  Having confidence in yourself is sexy and knowing your strengths and make use of them.

    When it comes in terms of clothing, sometimes we find reasons that they make us feel ashamed to be and dress sexy.  Different stages in a woman’s life can cause this dilemma.  By time, when responsibilities increase, women feel guilty when sparing some time to indulge themselves and take care of themselves.  Whether it’s raising a family or trying to make it till top in your career or maybe doing them both at the same time, taking care of ourselves and getting dolled up once in a while it’s a must.   Feeling good about yourself makes you happier, even when it comes to socializing with others.

    Most women are afraid to experiment with colours.  The colours that look good on use do not come with age, but with our skin tone and body shape.  There are no rules which tell you till what age you can wear bikinis, figure-hugging dresses, crop tops and much more.  Also style do not come with age, your style is you and therefore never hide your true self.  Each and everyone by some experimenting will know what works and what doesn’t for her.  For example I know that Black Hair is Me.  I experimented a lot and tried different colours, but now I know that is part of my personality.

    You do not want to take care and look good for someone else, you do this for yourself, and you is all that matter.


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