GRWM Everyday Bronzed & Simple look


    I hope you're having a wonderful day! I wanted to share my everyday bronzed yet clean/natural makeup look! I also answered some questions people asked me on Twitter while applying my makeup! Hope you enjoy! :) 

    • Afroz S Afroz S : Loved watching your video. You are so natural. What did you apply that teal color cream before bronzer?
      7 years ago 
      • Emily W Emily W : Thank you! The teal cream was the NYX colour corrector! Highly recommend if you have a lot of red spots!
        7 years ago 
    • Samantha S Samantha S : You can never wrong with Kris Kross! John Mayer is one of my all time favorites!
      7 years ago 
    • Борка � Борка � : I love watching GRWM videos! Your bedroom is super cute, I wish to decorate my bed with lights as you did.
      7 years ago 
    • Carrie D Carrie D : I love GRWM videos! You're a natural in front of the camera! What's the name of the polish you're wearing on your nails?!
      7 years ago 
      • Emily W Emily W : Thank you!! It's the Revlon colourstay gel envy in the shade 620 roulette rush :)
        7 years ago 
    • Tiffany Y Tiffany Y : I never thought of wanting a "bronzed" look until I see your video! Hmm... I wonder if it will fit Asians!
      7 years ago 

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