Hello Sugar, I Quit!

    I have a confession to make....its not bad...I dont think but it has to be said...

    I have been getting headaches, toothaches, fatique, cravings and I have a muffin top. 

    My name is LaFrieda and I am a Sugar Addict.

    I have been strugging with this addiction for many years now and 2 weeks I changed my life.

    Have you ever met Insomnia...I met his siblings.

    I was told by my doctor months ago that I was per-diabetic and that if I didnt watch my sugars it would be be bad. I decided when I got back home to cut back on sugars until I started craving milkshakes and pastries. I also heard about the 2-6pm sale of 2$ Dunkin Donuts coffee-I got it only a couple times but compounded with the shakes, cookies and pastas I was eating it got out of control.

    I couldnt sleep for 3 days straight....and that was it. I went to my 3 kids and husband and told them what was happening and asked them to sponsor me. I didnt ask them to stop their sugar, because it wouldnt have been fair. 

    Right after our conversation I raided the fridge and cabinets and did my research on things with hidden sugars and gave them to my kids. Pastas, breads, cookies, cakes, icecream, juices and anything else sugar related. I still crave sugars but I eat lots of fruits and vegetables along with popcorn and sugar free cookies. 

    I now enjoy fruit smoothies every morning with greek yogurt and drink lots of water along with eating alot of protein with hefty vegetables. 

    It has been 2 weeks now, I have lost alot of weight and feel so much better along with sleeping at night. I stop eating at 9pm and drink lots of water and stay active. 

    Check out what else I have been doing to keep myself healthy here:https://mmmoffamilyentertainment.com/2020/06/03/52-week-blog-challenge-week-22/

    • Charlotte S Charlotte S :

      I can really relate to this! I've had the same issue with sugar for a long time but I have to be careful how I approach it. I'm a person who rejects diet culture so completely cutting sugar out of my diet is a form of restriction and that's something I work hard not to do. But I have to agree, when I don't eat sugar, I feel so much better! Like you, I experience headaches, crazy cravings and fatigue! It's something I always have to work on but it's comforting to know I'm not alone. I'm glad you're feeling better and that your family are supportive :)

      4 years ago 
      • Lafrieda S Lafrieda S :

        Thank you. I read it takes about 60 days to fully see the effects of having limited sugar in your diet. I looked at some icecream my daughter was eating and got nauseaus...which is a great sign I am doing well. I found that everything has sugar in it even fresh fruit so limiting myself to only 25g a day does well for me, hopefully this will ease your mind on going cold turkey. Good luck on your journey and I hope this works for you!

        4 years ago 

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