Horoscope for 2020: Aries & Taurus. Love, Health, Career, and Travel in 2020

Horoscope for 2020: Aries & Taurus. Love, Health, Career, and Travel in 2020

    Ladies, today we start with the series of horoscopes for 2020. Here you will find the yearly horoscopes for Aries & Taurus. Stay tuned for your sign's horoscope in the following weeks! Love, Alexandra (IG: @astrologwass)


    Illustration by: VETVY

    The general horoscope for Aries for 2020

    In 2020, Aries peaks a 12-year period in the field of vital achievements. In the first place put your career, professional growth. Your ambitions require real victories, and the forecast in this regard is favorable for you - you will demonstrate excellent business acumen and find the resources, support, and patronage necessary for your plans. If you feel the need to replenish knowledge, January is perfectly suitable for studying and advanced training. Introduction to another culture, travel, business trips will saturate your indefatigable nature with impressions and new ideas. In personal relationships, too, everything is going well, but only until the third decade of January. At the end of the month, do not make decisions that cut your paths back.

    Until mid-February, success in various fields, victories in competitions, popularity with the opposite sex will help Aries to feel like winners. You are the ones who set the tone, create the atmosphere, unite the team, saturate the communication with new ideas. In the second half of February, the retrograde Mercury will slow down your expansive spirit but will provide an opportunity to understand achievements and select the most promising ones for further actions.

    In March, Mars in the sign of Capricorn will give your intentions solidity but will make you come to terms with restrictions. Someone above you in the hierarchy, will protect you or play the role of a sponsor. At this time of the year, the fate of long-term projects is being decided, but it is better if this happens not earlier than March 20. At the end of the month, working conditions and terms will be tightened, you will fall into time pressure and you will have to get out of it on your own.

    In the first decade of April, your concern is a good tone and a sober head. Leave room for unexpected events. This is a good month for traveling, advertising, and creative activities, new hobbies, and acquaintances.

    May will be interconnected with all kinds of money matters. Your intuition in terms of benefits will work perfectly. In the first half of May, profitable investments, prestigious purchases are likely, but in the second half, an understanding will come that it is necessary to slow down. Making your life better and more comfortable without unnecessary financial costs will be your goal. You can detect a leak of money or unproductive use of the family budget. At the same time, your relationship with others will not deteriorate, you will find a reasonable solution to current problems.

    In June, there will be many situations where you need to prove something and explain yourself. In love, you will be vulnerable and close to a big mistake. Do not bang at the closed door! Your ability to solve everything doesn't mean others are ready for it. Caution in contacts with new acquaintances will not hurt. The 3rd of June may turn out to be a turning point in the events of the current year.

    In July, you can feel that you are tired of the current routine and it is time to change the course. This is the right time for renovations in your living space that will bring a feeling of renewal. The important thing is to maintain control over projects that give you a sense of financial security. The second half of July will allow you to fully enjoy the summer joys. Your meetings with friends will become more frequent, and the plans that you build with your loved ones will become more interesting. Be careful with money. There may be situations where your carelessness will lead to loss and traveling - to theft and loss of valuables.

    Do not plan trips and flights on the first days of August. From the second decade of August and onwards, the craving for beauty and adventure will make many Aries put off their work and go on an adventure. But a lot of representatives of the sign will just as passionately engage in career and succeed in this. The new moon on August 19 will mark a new page in a love relationship or a creative project. If you have children, it's time to take care of their future as you see it as important.

    In early September, an unexpected event will open up new career prospects. Negative situations are possible in late September - early October. Try to maintain constructive relationships with superiors and senior family members. Until mid-November, pay attention to recurring problems. Keep your affairs in order so that possible checks do not take you by surprise. This is not the best time for litigation, but suitable if you intend to break a contract or a relationship. Household chores related to design and aesthetics will be an outlet for you at this time.

    The forecast for the end of 2020 is always important in terms of energy - how much you are satisfied with the progress of your affairs, achievements, and emerging opportunities. The third decade of December is a great time, both for innovations in the main field of your activity, as well as for relaxing away from home. You will have to let go of something at the end of the year, but you won’t worry for a long time about it.

    Aries love horoscope for 2020

    The first half of 2020 will incline Aries to consolidation and "grounding", the formulation of goals and landmarks. Relations will gravitate to stability, strength, reliability. If you want to change something - then do it thoroughly, preferably forever. Both in a business partnership and in love there will be a need to build a strong rear, get stability, and guarantees.

    In January, the love horoscope signals about difficulties, confusion, and deception. Be careful in the week of the 25th of January.

    In February, the initiative passes into women's hands. This is the time of courageous deeds and feats, the assertion of one’s principles in personal relationships, but probably also recklessness, obstinacy, and rushed decisions.

    In March, the horoscope of love promises surprises. March the 9th is a wonderful day for a love confession. Within a month, your love intentions will be reinforced.

    In April and until mid-May, Aries can surprise both themselves and others. But the most important event/decision will not happen; you will stop at the very edge and will not take a decisive step.

    The horoscope of love for 2020 again promises good luck in July. Now men are more active, and women, tired of conflicting emotions, won't be ready for anything more serious than flirting.

    In the second half of August, fate prepares a test of love for Aries. Your choices and actions will be crucial. Do not risk defining personal relationships in this period.

    In September and until mid-November, your lord Mars moves retrograde. In the horoscope of love, this is an indication of the weakening of sexual interest. Directness and pressure won't help in this period. It is more important to prepare the situation, create the atmosphere, and stage the “confluence of circumstances”.

    In December, your passion and ardor will be fully manifested. But it’s better to translate this energy into something more neutral than personal relationships. A fatal turn in your love story is possible in the third decade of December. This will benefit some of Aries, but if you value what you have and don't want to change it, then wait until February next year. You will experience many surprises.

    Aries health horoscope for 2020

    From January to May, the health of Aries will not cause much concern. Physically and emotionally you will feel great. In February and March, monitor the condition of the musculoskeletal system, add preventive exercises for your joints. In May and June, avoid excesses in food, otherwise, you will quickly gain weight. In July and August, Mars will mean an interest in sports. From September to mid-November, the likelihood of injuries, overspending, weakening of the nervous system increases. Take care of your head in every sense. Again, Aries promises an excellent health horoscope for 2020 in December. The best support for health at the end of the year is training in the company of like-minded people and friends. But, taking a trip in December is undesirable.

    Aries in the year of the White Rat (Mouse)

    Most of the new ventures launched in the Year of Rats for Aries will be successful; especially long-term. Set the bar higher and remember that luck will not last forever. You have two years to establish yourself in a new image and occupy a higher position on the career ladder. In your personal life, avoid quick fixes. Everything that you change in 2020 will stay for a long time, if not forever.



    Illustration by: VETVY

    The general horoscope for Taurus 2020

    Last year, you had to work hard to stay afloat. In 2020, you can relax a bit and realize some of your perfect ideas. For many, this year will be remembered for long trips, travels. If you are ready for radical changes, then this is a favorable year for moving to another city or country.

    January will begin with unexpected events. You will receive an interesting offer or you will come to an understanding of what you want to do. By the events of the first half of January, it will be possible to judge whether it is worth continuing what has begun, whether you are on the right path. Something will change significantly in the last decade of the month. Whatever your hobby is, do not lose control over what brings a stable income.

    If you want to change course, then do it in February. Traditionally, this is a month of great changes for Taurus. Around the 10th of February, promising situations might happen, that will stir up your ambitions and will make you look for a decent field for activity. In the second half of February, a retrograde Mercury will force you to go back and fix something. You will still rush forward, but something small will be missing for success. Take advantage of the wisdom of “slower, but better” - and pay more attention to quality. In personal relationships, your ardor will be contagious. This is a great time to flirt and show affection.

    In the first decade of March, you will obtain one more secret in your closet. Do not rush with the things that attract your attention at this time. Wait for details. The second half of the month claims to be the most successful period of the year. New affairs, important events in personal relationships, and various trips promise success and satisfaction.

    At the beginning of April, someone else's intervention and your own inappropriate initiative may interfere with the favorable course of affairs. You can be attracted to adventures and competitions. It seems that nothing can either hinder or stand in the way. But at the end of April, you will realize that you need the support of others, and they will be ready to help you. At the same time, you will easily break off relationships that are boring and cutting your wings.

    On the 3rd of May, be careful taking any steps, especially if you are being pushed towards anything. As well, in May you might experience a lot of Deja Vu situations. Old ideas may obtain new intriguing details. Your income might increase due to past achievements and contacts, who will want to resume certain cooperation with you. You might find yourself in the situation in which you were before. Life gives you a second chance for something.

    In June, it’s useful to switch to calm activities, ordering things, and decorating your house. Comfort, coziness, small joys of life, a narrow circle of loyal friends will help you gain strength and restore peace of mind. It is a good month for visiting your family.

    In July, your connections with the world will become more diverse and productive. This month is good for career advancements or vacation. You will be able to find new interests and people who are ready to support your ideas. But your openness in some situations can lead to disappointing situations, where you find out that some information is being hidden from you. This could be your close people as well.

    In August, your expenses for home and family will increase significantly, but these will not be disappointing events, rather, on the contrary, you will consider buying a new house, a summer cottage or other major acquisitions. The doors of your home will be open to friends. You will be receiving guests. Exciting and mostly joyful changes are expected in the family.

    September is a good month for beauty and health. You will feel the need to see benefits in any matter, even the most insignificant ones. Personal relationships will benefit from the ability to pay attention to everything that interests your partner. At work, you may find someone interested in you "non-professionally". At the end of September, you will experience a stroke of special luck. This may mean a lot of work or a big project. But, you can significantly complicate your life by getting involved in it, by placing this additional burden on your shoulders. You need to analyze the pros and cons well.

    In October, try to do the most important things in the first half of the month. In the second half of the month, focus on working with information, put things in order. Research and self-development will go favorable this month. Old things might receive a new life.

    There is a lot of work ahead of you in the first half of November, but relationships with your colleagues will become closer. So much, so that in the second half of the month you will have to compensate for a temporary loss of interest to your loved ones at home.

    In December, you go out on a lane of luck. A long trip or just a short vacation will be a good result of your achievements.

    Love Horoscope for Taurus 2020

    Your relationships in 2020 will undergo changes, even if it is not in your plans. There's a possibility of fatal events, partings and breakups, interference of other people, the pressure of people who think they know how to make your life better.

    In the first half of January, surprises are expected, good news from afar. If the opportunity presents itself, spend more time traveling, if not, on the Internet. Away from home, your chance of a happy meeting is much higher. During April Taurus should be careful around the 23rd of January. In the third decade of January, you will be close to a big mistake or a self-deception. Usually, the Universe finds a way to show that the chosen path is dangerous and wrong. But if you do not receive any warning signs, then everything will be going as it should.

    In February, you will be full of energy and enthusiasm. You may think that there is always something better than what you have now. Life will be boiling around you, and the circle of communication will expand due to your interests and hobbies. This month can be remembered for pleasant meetings with old friends. Your relationships with colleagues will also become closer.

    In March, your mistress Venus follows the sign of Taurus. Your confidence and self-love will be present in everything that you desire and the way you act. Do not plan or expect anything on March 8-9. You can meet “your” person, immediately recognizing him and making contact, bypassing a long period of watching and taking gradual steps. The love of Venus in Taurus is tangible, carnal. Uncomplicated earthy eroticism, even heat of passion. In late March - early April, important events will take place that will change life seriously and permanently. But only if you feel ready for the changes. Usually, changes are not easy for Taurus. April will fly by quickly leaving a pleasant impression. Yet, this overabundance of emotions will force you to seek solitude and peace in May. In case you've met someone during this time, a rollback in a relationship is possible.

    Romance and sentimentality will create the base for the events in June. While representatives of other signs will remain in ignorance of the fate's plans on them, a lot of them will be revealed to you. It's not only about your intuition, but also the psychological skills that will help you to “untwist” people and stories in a way that you will have all the necessary information. This is another month when you should not rush any decisions.

    In July, you will enjoy flirting, and it does not matter whether you have a soulmate or not. Non-binding affection will improve your self-esteem and may be useful for something else. From August 8 to September 6, the topics of both family and home will be in the first place for you. Craving for comfort, a reliable, strong, and passionate partner, and relationships in which everything is predictable, smooth, beautiful, and cozy. The desire to "twist the nest."

    In September, the initiative is in women's hands. Men will be inclined to challenge their decisions, change them, and commit reckless actions that will never bring the relationship closer to the desired result. This is a favorable month for a holiday or travel. In October, an old lover may reappear on your way. Attention to detail, analyzing each step, weighing decisions, digging to the bottom can slow down the development of a relationship. Married couples will benefit from a common activity.

    In November, lovers of intense and passionate situations will have an opportunity to become their participants or observers. Rely on your intuition, it won’t let you down, even if at some point it seems to you that you were mistaken. This month, Venus turns into a factor of termination - relationships, alliances, communities. The stability of personal relationships is at stake. Where it is thin during this period - it breaks. At home and in family life, it is good to translate this destructive energy into the sphere of reconstructions, clearing distant corners, cabinets, attics, mezzanines. Get rid of old things, especially those with unpleasant memories. And, on the contrary, take out the things that brought luck or the best moments of life. Pay attention to things that positively influence you and bring you strength: music, perfume, etc. These events will be relevant until mid-December. If you have reached the finish line or a happy event has occurred in your relationship, try to consolidate your success with something significant - witnesses, a signature, a seal. Before the New Year, stay away from the Ocean and be careful with alcohol.

    Health horoscope for Taurus 2020

    This year more than once you will feel the urge to break loose, go on an adventure. Yet, be careful, injuries and accidents might occur when you're away from home. Especially at the beginning of the year.

    From March to mid-May you will be in great shape. From the second half of May until the end of June, you will have to save your energy and be careful with what you've put on your shoulders. You might feel insecure, sad, and suspicious about your health. In July and September, the situation at work can provoke stress. You will need a break to restore strength. Fitness, SPA, hobbies - everything that suits you so that you can distract yourself and relax.

    During Fall, watch out for colds, they might stay for a while or provoke further complications. In the second half of December, a good shape and mood will return to you. You will be inclined to increase the amount of exercise and other activities.

    Taurus in the year of the White Rat

    In the year of the Rat, the Taurus crowd will have many new opportunities, yet life can be quite stormy. In the first half of the year, your ability to see the weaknesses of other people and make them work for you is useful. In the second half, a contradiction may arise between the desire to obtain as much as possible and the need to save for the sake of the truly important matters. The golden mean in this confrontation is creativity. This is an auspicious year to bring to life all of your ideals.

    • M D M D :

      I'm reading this July and thinking of the last six months and what's to come. Thank you for sharing, I love reading horoscopes!

      4 years ago 

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