Horoscope for 2020: Gemini & Cancer. Love, Health, Career, and Travel in 2020

Horoscope for 2020: Gemini & Cancer. Love, Health, Career, and Travel in 2020

    Ladies, today we are continuing with the series of horoscopes for 2020. Here you will find the yearly horoscopes for Gemini & Cancer. Stay tuned for your sign's horoscope in the following weeks! Love, Alexandra (IG: @astrologwass) 


    Illustration by: VETVY

    The general horoscope for Gemini for 2020

    Being able to build relationships from the perspective of common interests and benefits is a key factor in your success in 2020. On your part, ideas and connections, on the part of partners - material resources and a clear plan of action. Even if you are just going to remodel your home space, entrust your purchases to your soulmate, and take care of the creative side of the activity. If you have specific tasks for January, they will be successfully implemented. But if you want help, you may be denied. Offer something new that will interest the authorities or partners - and the business will receive the necessary promotion. If you want to get a sponsor for your project, then January is perfect for this purpose. Do not miss the first days of the year when not only you but also others decide who to deal with. In the second half of January, your activities and interests will require new knowledge. The need for a “change of scenery" may turn out to be so strong that you will get a last-minute tour and travel. At this time, it is good to have like-minded people surrounding you, like Aquarius and Libra.

    In February and March, a feeling of inhibition and stagnation of plans and deeds may come. Attention is scattered, giving way to calm contemplation and unhurried meditation. Flashes of activity are possible if you like the work, you are able to complete and overfulfill the plan. From the 11th of April, the mood will change dramatically with some new occupations and interests. Be able to put yourself in such a way that it would not be possible to do it without you. Double your attention if dangerous work is ahead. In the middle of the month, there are favorable aspects for love and romance, joyful events in personal life. At the end of the month, there is a danger of big trouble, quarrels with significant figures. But you will not succeed in seclusion, you will have to face difficulties and confront them.

    May is a good month for holidays and long trips. Work will pay off and bring the expected income. Personal hobbies and pleasures come to the fore. In close relationships, the material aspect will dominate - gifts, comfort, guarantees and everything that is included in the concept of “beautiful life”. But if, nevertheless, career is the number one topic for you, in the second half of May, focus on the things you started earlier.

    It is advisable to devote the first half of June to household chores, contacts with parents and other relatives. You can start the reparation works, deal with the acquisition of housing. In the second half of June, the retrograde Mercury will slow down your plans but will provide an opportunity to concentrate on something. On the verge of June and July, it is important to monitor the situation at work.

    Until July 12, the retrograde Mercury will create a favorable atmosphere for quiet activity and relaxation. Settle relationships with relatives, complete reparations, continue creating comfort in the house until mid-July. The retrograde Mercury in the sign of Cancer incredibly enhances the sensitivity to carelessness, forgetfulness. Only caring and only tenderness can correct situations where a crisis of feelings has matured.

    On the 2nd of August, do not go against authorities and do not create conflict situations. By mid-August, favorable trends for studies and trips are taking shape. You can get the support of an influential person. You will have common interests with colleagues, and you will not be pulled to get home early. In the third decade of the month the shadow of autumn flickers. Your interests will become more pragmatic with a fixation on thoroughness and nuances.

    But September can be a pretty romantic month. Interest in creativity, familiarization with beauty in all its forms, concern for appearance will bring a note of joy to your life. Your expenses can be quite impressive. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to expand sources of income, to sell something (think about it!).

    The first two decades of October will be held in a good working rhythm. You will be fully career-oriented and ready to overcome the competition. At the end of October, in new affairs, one may encounter unforeseen and very strong barriers. Everything that is at least to some extent imposed from the outside will cause a sharp protest, rejection, and possibly anger. But even a slight delay in the reaction will translate thoughts into a new level, more conducive to understanding.

    Devote the whole month of November to work. You can tackle bad habits. Sports and physical activity will benefit you. In your personal life, you will be determined to review roles and plans for the future. You will go through a crisis and a big showdown, but a true relationship will not be affected.

    In the first half of December, new people in your environment will contribute to the emergence of new interests and hobbies in your life. Arranging a grand cleaning at the end of the year, you will find not only lost things but, perhaps, you will deal with some secrets and puzzles in the relationship. A serious attitude promises important changes. You can get together (even move-in) or part with someone. Key dates on the love front - December 19, 24, 27.

    Love Horoscope for Gemini 2020

    Big goals sometimes require risking everything, or at least a lot. That will be the year 2020 for the Gemini. You will not be bored because the stakes are high. Already in January, your verbal magic will begin to work at full strength, and it is at this time that you will set priorities for yourself in love. Unlike 2019, when you were driven by a craving for diversity, now you will be interested in one person, one feeling. You can lovingly make a nest if you are married or planning to marry him. Until mid-February, you will "talk" to those you like, seduce, compete, and intrigue. From February 17 to April 11, uncertainty and anxiety may be felt in your relationship. Feelings develop naturally when you are not afraid to make a mistake. You should wait until mid-April, until the situation becomes clear enough so that you understand whether you need this person, or it's time to break your past tough and start moving in a new direction. In the second half of April, your actions will be harsh and often thoughtless, and the forecast for relationships at this time does not promise stability or any guarantees.

    Closer to mid-May, you can get into an unpleasant story. By the end of the month, self-confidence will return to you, but make sure that you do not show vanity in relationships with the loved ones. You can give too much attention to the outside of the relationship to the detriment of the feelings and emotions of the partner. In June and July, you can change your home, move to another city, country, and meet someone. A home-family theme will be a priority. For those who plan pregnancy - it might happen.

    The first two decades of August are a great time for romantic events, flirting, new acquaintances. Then you can take a timeout in your love life and devote the whole period from August 20 to September 5 to your career and work. If in your life there is some uncomfortable situation that prevents you from spreading your wings, in September there may be an unexpected solution, and closing this problem will make you more positive. Your hopes will blossom again. In September, nothing will stop the Gemini from being carried away into the realm of fantasy, on the contrary, this quality is welcomed. Courage, humor, pleasant stimulation of feelings, flirting - this will not prevent you from perspicuously and practically looking in the best direction for yourself, both in personal and in business life. In October and November, the craving for unraveling the secrets of the partner and the related experiences will throw you back to what you have achieved. You can pay a lot of attention to ties of kinship, and your family will have a strong influence on your choices in personal life. If an acquaintance occurs during these autumn months, the partner will be endowed with some special gift or quality and can enter your life for a long time. In December, you will not be bored, because your interest in the diversity of life will once again bring ease and grace to your relationship. This is a good time to travel. If you stay at home, then a certain lack of warmth and intimacy will be compensated by the severity and richness of communication in teams, companies, clubs. December 27 is a good day for love. It is not necessary to wait for surprises from fate; you yourself can arrange them.

    Gemini Health Horoscope 2020

    Your health will be compromised in January and the first half of February. In addition to the danger of catching flu and other infections, injuries and getting into emergency situations are likely. The horoscope for March warns the Gemini from traveling on mountain routes and excessive loads on the musculoskeletal system. Too many interests in April can also deplete your reserves. From May to early July you will be in great shape. On July 8, follow a reasonable diet. The same thing on July 27-28. From August 20 to September 10 it’s good to focus on prevention issues. This is a good time for a spa holiday. From mid-October, you will have to strengthen vigilance again. Women will benefit from a consultation with a female doctor. At the end of the year, you will regain natural optimism. This is a good time for an active lifestyle, sports, and travel.

    Gemini in the year of the White Rat

    Living in the present, use every opportunity to make savings, invest money profitably, but do not take risks so as not to jeopardize your well-being. “Everything is in the hole” - let it become your motto in the year of the White Rat. In 2020, significant changes are likely related to relationships and partnerships. Many secrets, intrigues, and attempts to manipulate others for your own benefit will appear in your life. Arrogance can lead you on the path of destruction of someone else’s family, someone else’s happiness. Be careful.



    Illustration by: VETVY

    The general horoscope for Cancer for 2020

    When you are in peace with yourself, any of your activities progress successfully. But in 2020, you can not proceed without the support of your partners. The ability to build relationships, create a microclimate in your environment is as important as repelling the attack of ill-wishers in time. You can feel the machinations of the latter already in January, when congestion and interference will occur on the path to the realization of your plans. If you have a soul mate, the life changes and needs of a partner can outweigh your own. Important events in the family will require your presence, but trips are possible in the second half of January. And the freer you feel, the more promising prospects will open in front of you.

    A new partnership is possible in early February. If you need any help, feel free to ask for it. On the part of partners, money may come to you or a new topic of joint activity will appear. The craving for innovation will be felt at all levels. This can lead to an unexpected change of activity or the emergence of new hobbies. In the second half of the month, it is possible that you will return to what you did before, maybe even to your old place of work.

    From February 17 to March 10, do not rush to start a new business, but pay attention to what you keep postponing. It is likely that you will find the right tools and support. Be sure to read the literature on the topic of your main activity. But it is even better to use March and the first half of April for advanced training in the field. In addition to professional growth, you can meet interesting people, make useful contacts. Romantically, the second half of April is richer in opportunities. You will be determinant and decisive, and a person with whom you might have a strong emotional connection may appear on your horizon. Relationships will develop well, partners will share common interests. We recommend married partners to diversify their leisure time, to devote more time to common hobbies.

    In May, feelings, emotions, desires will be quite important for you. But it should be noted that in the middle of May Venus goes into the retrograde phase, and with old partners, you have more chances than with new ones. Lovers will soar in the clouds and enjoy telepathic contacts. In important situations, intuition will intensify, dreams and premonitions will greatly influence your choice. Secret information may be entrusted to you. Be careful with not to be accused of spreading rumors.

    In June, you will, even more, feel the rollback in the plans. But if you are completely immersed in personal affairs or will be in the clouds - you will be forgotten. Do not miss June 30 and take a step that will demonstrate what you are going for. It’s good to plan a vacation in June. It is a good idea to visit your parents or go to a place where you once were happy. This is an ideal time to restore broken connections and the ability to start something from scratch.

    In the first decade of July, your thoughts will be closely related to the topic of home and relationships with your loved ones. This is what traditionally guarantees you stability and peace of mind. Significant resources can be thrown into maintaining the “fire in the hearth,” but you are willing to sacrifice a lot to turn your homeworld into a prosperous oasis.

    Openness to the world and the need to take risks and experiment will manifest themselves even more in August. But the need for inner harmony and external beauty will remain, which will make August an ideal month for a vacation. Do not stay in one place, go out often, share your plans and ideas with others. You will get a lot of good advice from like-minded people. In the third decade of August, your thoughts will take on a more practical direction. Simplicity and benefit will be the criterion of your choice. Autumn will gradually begin to declare itself. It's time to update the wardrobe.

    The velvet season in September is perfect for a spa holiday or a foreign tour. Your activity will surprise you, but many of the subtleties of the relationship will remain out of sight. You will be bursting with a thirst for new experiences and love victories.

    In mid-November, be careful with money matters. The stars patronize in November those who work for themselves. The interference that you felt in summer will disappear. You will be creative in solving current problems, but do not start anything new until November 4, while Mercury is moving retrograde.

    In December, you may be strongly motivated to change the scenery. And yet, at least a week spent on a trip will help you feel lightness and transformation. New Year is a time for renewing traditions. Best of all, you will feel at home on New Year's Eve.

    Love Horoscope for Cancer 2020

    A partnership is the number one topic for Cancers in 2020. A strong emphasis on the Capricorn sign, the partnership sector of your horoscope, will last all year, and this influence will be neither simple nor easy. Only serious intentions will withstand the onslaught of tests, and only a reliable partner will remain with you. As a result, relationships can even be strengthened.

    In January, it would be nice to understand that you deserve more. This does not exclude the fact that you want to get to the bottom of the line, draw a line under expectations. A clear understanding will come that the one you are waiting for will not come, but someone else may appear. A strong relationship will require a renewal, a new meaning, maybe a test. In one form or another, sacrifices and concessions, unselfish help, care for a loved one, or, in the worst case, a breakup.

    From February to mid-April, too much stuff will attract your attention. There will be interests in which the expansion of the circle of communication and opportunities is necessary. In one way or another, you will find yourself in contact with people from afar. There is a chance of a fateful acquaintance that will happen on a long trip or on the Internet. The stronger your passion for a particular field of activity, the more attractive you are to other people.

    In March, friends will play a big role in your life. This is a wonderful month for picnics, parties, socializing outside the house. You can slowly take care of healing yours and your loved one’s mental wounds and relax. If a marriage partner or one of the family members wants at this time to take the initiative into their hands, give it to them without hesitation. New acquaintances will have good prospects.

    In April, take your time to charm, fall in love and flirt. Attitude striving a quick result can lead to mistakes, disappointments. Partners with a large age difference will face contradictions. Only patience and foresight, and also common interests, will help to get through the storms of this period.

    May will fill your senses with passion, but you will have to struggle with jealousy, doubts, and yet let happen what is overdue. As always, it is important how the heart calms down. Before mid-July, do not expect certainty and do not push events.

    Mid-July - October is the best period in love for Cancers. Not only love, but also other contacts will be marked by energy fullness. You will want the world to revolve around you. Competition will intensify, the desire to look irresistible, to flourish in front of everyone’s eyes, to spend time in a dignified manner, which in one way or another will entail large expenses.

    In October, you will feel relief. Peace of mind, wisdom and sanity will return to you. One who seeks her love can meet it without moving far from home. Relatives, friends, or work colleagues will help with an acquaintance. Until the end of autumn you will find many different things. Love will retain an important place in your life, but it will be associated with other interests - work, travel, study. At this time, you will not be satisfied only with the “peace for two”. You will want new impressions, signs of attention, which do not oblige to anything, but increase self-esteem, flatter pride. In November and until mid-December, suspicions and investigations can quarrel even partners hardened by joint trials. To get rid of incredulity, you have to switch to other interests, otherwise in this dark time of the year you could be overwhelmed from scratch by a spleen.

    The second half of December promises important events. If at this time you plan to change something in your personal life or it will happen spontaneously, the results can exceed expectations. During this period, programs are formed not just for years, but for decades. Evaluate what you have, what you want - and make the right decisions.

    Cancer Health Horoscope 2020

    At the beginning of the year, your health will depend on your peace of mind. Do not overload yourself with activities and contacts that keep you in suspense. When you worry, it’s hard for you to endure hunger. Try to follow a diet from the new moon to the full moon, when there is an increased accumulation of nutrients. Spend time with friends at the gym or pool. From May to July, prolonged respiratory infections are possible. Do not let the common cold go into chronic inflammation. In the fall, favorable changes are possible that will restore your peace of mind. However, personal and intimate life can be a cause for concern. Harmony in relationships is extremely important for you, and especially in 2020. For those who want it - at the end of the year the likelihood of getting pregnant increases.

    Cancer in the year of the White Rat

    For lean and farsighted Cancers, the Year of the Rat is favorable. If you have a soulmate, you will be happy to "twist the nest." Or you can possibly move in with someone. Living in the present, you must make significant savings and reserves for the future. The house and all the topics related to it will be extremely important to you. It is at home, in peace and quiet, that you will recover and plan your next steps. Big changes are expected at the end of 2020 - the beginning of 2021.s


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