Ladies, today we are continuing with the series of horoscopes for 2020. Here you will find the yearly horoscopes for Leo & Virgo. Stay tuned for your sign's horoscope in the following weeks! Love, Alexandra (IG: @astrologwass)

The general horoscope for Leo for 2020
An extremely serious attitude is desirable at the very beginning of 2020. If in the previous year you carried out brain activities, acquired useful contacts, now get ready for a lot of work. Of particular importance will be the proposals of the authorities and people who, due to family ties or sympathies, wish to support your new projects. If you are thinking about changing jobs, it is best to do it in January. The first half of the month can please you with surprises in your personal life. In the second half, close relationships will play an important role in the events of the year. You will understand how responsive people are to kindness.
In February, you will be full of unusual plans and ideas, the implementation of which should not be rushed. Something will change, but you will be able to save the highlight. In the second half of February, do not even try to start something new. You can expand your business by trusting someone with whom you have already eaten more than a pound of salt. In personal life, it is likely that there are several fans at the same time and several novels, some of which resemble the last act of the play, while others are just beginning or are in full swing. Do not rush to change your fate with either one or the other.
Only after March 8 will your foresight return. Trust your intuition, it certainly will not deceive you. Be careful in situations where there is a hidden tension or a threat. The sun is following the sign of Pisces, and you will feel how much information is being hidden from you or transmitted in a distorted form. You always evaluate relationships with significant people as true or false, striving for complete clarity. However, in March you will achieve more if you focus on work and stop analyzing the imperfections of those who are closely connected with you. Gradually, you will learn everything you need to know.
In April it will be easier to navigate if your plans are written with a pitchfork. A bunch of unexpected news, new goals, and hobbies can change your direction in a short time. Key terms for April are to discover, get ahead, overtake, manage, give everything out. Short and long trips are likely. Do not be afraid to take risks, your luck will be with you. During April 15-16 do not trust the promise of "easy money". In April, your best days are the 5th and 28th.
In May, diversity will give way to benefits and comfort. One, but a worthy cause, and a narrow circle of old friends will be enough for you to chat and relax. The slow start promises to go into a stubborn and systematic embodiment of the goal. A good combination of initiative and stubbornness. Since May 21, with the transition of the Sun to Gemini, you will want to “change the picture”, go somewhere. Good time for a vacation.
In June, the Sun will meet with Venus in the sign of Gemini. Your success or popularity with the opposite sex can hurt someone's pride. Moreover, it is so painful that systematic actions with the aim of harming you are not ruled out. Try to brag less of success. And if earnings increase, then your luck will correlate with how much you are able to keep your success secret. Although June is interesting in that information will be a key factor in the rapid development of events. This month is good to start learning a foreign language.
June and July will be characterized by multiple situations of deja vu. If you quarreled and broke up with someone, you can get together again. Or go back to your old place of work.
Acceleration in business can be planned for the second half of July. Some benefits will come from the things you enjoy doing. During July 13 - 15, you will have to sacrifice something in order to maintain a position in a career or personal life. Until July 23, do not count on the loyalty of the authorities. In the family, misunderstanding with older relatives is possible. Do not postpone the clarification of relations, but do not wait for easy solutions.
August will be a hot month. If you fail to take a vacation at this time, try to load yourself up with work. While others will rest, you may be given a lucrative task. Feel free to seem overly arrogant and mercenary. August is your month, and you need to take care of expanding opportunities.
September will set you up in a practical way. Attention to the quality of life, the search for new ways to profit, the conclusion of transactions will be of equal interest to issues of physical and intellectual self-improvement.
October is the key month for relationships. Expected many trips, movements. Your popularity will increase. In the second half of the month, you will feel a decline in emotions and the need to move away from emotional situations. October 15-19 is a good period for starting a new business, sealing a deal. Try to deal with successful people.
In December, a tendency to think big can make you start a risky project. Despite the costs, this activity will bring you satisfaction. By the New Year, you can unexpectedly create something beautiful in your personal relationships.
Love horoscope (forecast) for Leo for 2020
In 2020, you might obtain romantic relationships at work, sports institutions, clubs, and places where you relax. Remember - you can do the most serious things and not even think about flirting, but you yourself will not notice how common interests and goals will make your relationship with any person who is just as serious, more trusting. Do not expect lightness in a relationship with the opposite sex in 2020.
In January, you may be in a dependent position. Either there will be too much work, or worries about the interests of the partner will outweigh your own. Be careful on January 23 and 27, so that you do not impose someone else's action plan. Do not make decisions or make promises. January and the first half of February are the time of surprises. From February 19th to mid-March, there will be a great need for a refined manifestation of feelings, empathy, and emotional contact in relationships. It is important to choose the right people to whom you can open your soul. Do nothing out of pity and do not succumb to flattery. You can be used.
March 8-9 is the time of secrets. It is time to be open and frank without preparations. If the other person is ahead of you, it may catch you by surprise. Do not prepare anything for these days; it will not work out as you intended. From March 20th to April 20th you will be decisive and assertive. Do not go against the opinions of your loved ones simply out of obstinacy. In the last decade of April, you will see how people and your opinion about them are changing. And you will feel that you no longer want to rush things. Until the end of June, the retrograde Venus will create quite some confusion in the information concerning the person you are interested in. You might feel that sometimes it is better to decide to let everything go as it should and enjoy life in general. And the summer of 2020 in this regard will not disappoint you. Until mid-July, your generosity will be fully manifested, but you will need someone who approves you and shares your interests. You will be prone to drawing and set to unknown and adventures.
Until mid-summer, you will often compare what was in your life with what you have, and ideals will have a strong influence on your choice.
In August, new people can fit perfectly into your life, first on the basis of practical interests, then new perspectives, cooperation with a touch of romance. The official romance promised at the beginning of this horoscope may appear in September. You will be rational and romantic at the same time and do not miss anything that can decorate your life - feelings, people, things, achievements.
October 6 - 20 is a difficult period when mistakes and losses can unsettle and even lead to depression. And although the aspects are such that everyone gets what they deserve, the calls from the past that return people who claim to be more than just your memories are quite likely. Even in situations that severely limit you, in October they need to find a way to advance their interests in November, but the main thing is not to destroy what they created. Your help to your partner (or other people) at this time will be invaluable. The errors of the path traveled are displayed with extraordinary brightness, and this is the best time to go back and atone for sins or to help others do it. In some situations - the last chance to do something that once did not work out and failed.
December promises many unusual and exciting events. Situations will be so paradoxical and fleeting that it is good training to learn how to live in the present moment. And the third decade of December has special potential. Jupiter goes into the sign of Aquarius. Most of all the changes in the year 2021 await you in partnership, love, marriage. Get ready to make a wish for the Winter Solstice on December 21, and take it creatively and practically.
Health horoscope for Leo for 2020
The theme of health will be a red thread through the whole of 2020. Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn are a good warning that prevention is cheaper than treatment. You will have to do training, but try to avoid injuries. In January, the danger will come from the excess of forces that Mars will endow you with. February and March will require special attention to the musculoskeletal system. In the second half of August, your life energy will not protect you from overload and injury through negligence. Long trips should not be made at this time. From September to the end of the year, you will complain about a headache, a violation of blood pressure. Prepare for this period in advance, take a course of treatment, if necessary, welcome foods and drugs that thin the blood into your diet. The end of 2020 will return you a good tone and mood, you will return to normal life again.
Leo in the year of Rat (Mouse)
The Leo in the eastern year of the Rat should be far-sighted, judicious and adhere to the rules, arrangements, and proven schemes. A conservative approach will pay off in most cases. Thanks to the energy and determination in 2020, Leo will accomplish the main goal of the year.

The general horoscope for Virgo for 2020
If you are in love and your feelings are mutual, January may be the happiest month of 2020. For some, wedding bells will ring, and someone will only meet their fate. If you have children, their success will be a matter of pride. Creative natures will survive the rise of fantasy and the influx of creative ideas. Work in solitude will be productive and enjoyable, no matter what you do - scientific research or a personal hobby. There are other possible causes of a secluded lifestyle - self-education, maternity leave, enthusiasm for esotericism.
In the first half of February, try to contact more with your business partners or work colleagues. The changes that you will make to your work, not even fully calculated, will bring the necessary update and attract new ideas. In the second half of the month, you will not be able to achieve any goal quickly, but in a few weeks, you will understand why the workarounds bring more impressive results.
The second decade of March is favorable for the conclusion of a new contract, transaction, registration of partnership. The end of the month will also be eventful, but often not you, but other people will be the driving force in them. Sometimes you have to submit to circumstances.
In early April, a strong craze will overshadow ambitious projects. New interesting meetings, which have yet to reach their full potential, are expected away from home. At this time, you can get the keys to some kind of secret, but if it has nothing to do with you, then try not to let anyone know about it. Trust is a great value in a relationship; know how to justify it. Be careful on April 26th. Sometimes even you make mistakes under the influence of an impulse.
In May, career changes are favorable. If they happen in the first decade, you will be completely satisfied with the results, if after May 12, winning in professional growth, you may not receive the desired increase in income. Venus Retrograde until the end of June turns on the red light for financial transactions, investments, and large acquisitions. In return, it will return old hobbies to the agenda, will delight with unexpected finds in distant cabinets and files. For a while, it seems that you are back in the good old days, and your friends are the same, and your feelings are just as bright and pure. A good time to implement idealistic plans regarding the image as well.
The retro theme will continue in July when Mercury will be retrograde. Old family problems will come up, you will have to solve urgent issues, deal with documents.
On August 1-2, beware of situations that are fraught with a severance of relations, a conflict with superiors or relatives. The accident rate for trips sharply increases. In mid-August, circumstances are developing successfully for new things. In your personal life - pleasant surprises. In the second half of August and September, the need for a prestigious, expensive and fashionable will force you to look for new sources of income, which you will succeed in. In August, your spending will be well thought out, but in September you need to make sure that the propensity for wastefulness does not violate your usual attitudes. Guests may come to you and linger longer than you would like. An important event or the beginning of a new business is well-timed to coincide with September 8.
October is the perfect month to work on deferred projects and fix bugs, be it your core business or relationships. You will show great legibility and do not miss a single trifle. A rational approach will help increase revenue. In October and November, you will more than once have the opportunity to show your competence and save the situation or someone around you. A passive attitude can pull trouble. It will be important for you to know the meaning of your actions and life in general. Personal life may also require courageous and even daring, unusual for your actions if there is a need to change something. In early November, do not avoid confusing and difficult situations at work. You will feel a surge of strength if you cope with what others pass to.
From December 15 to 20, you should pay attention to job offers, even if there is no desire to change anything. Refrain from important decisions on December 21. At the end of the month, you can not only plan but also start a new business. Do not wait for the new year. May your wishes become actions this year. On the verge of 2020 and 2021, Virgo has a rare chance of a fateful meeting.
Love horoscope for Virgo for 2020.
Even if passion, love of excitement prevent you from purposefully implementing more practical plans, it is unlikely that in 2020 you will be able to completely avoid them or take control. In life, fateful events are possible, both pleasant and dramatic. The fact that Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto “lead” the game means that you have to rethink the very concept of love and its role in your life. If you are young, this will contribute to "growing up." Those who already have large baggage of life experience will be able to take a different look at their life history. And in this process of self-deepening, you can expect both disappointment and new hopes. Most likely, they will not be associated with one person.
January is the key month of the year for understanding what you want to change in your personal life. Only serious intentions are welcomed in love. If you are passionate about some kind of creativity - love can fade into the background. And yet, it is useful to remember that in January, you will be able to realize a lot, including your dreams.
In February, you will not always understand the intentions of a loved one. And the more you begin to get to the bottom, the more often you can find out what fairy tales tell you. This is not the best month for concrete steps and victories in love. In March, you yourself will not want to sort things out. A secret may appear in your life or an official romance will begin. Be careful during March 8-9; try not to make mistakes.
Since April 11, everything is gaining speed - both situations and intentions. Venus will enter the Gemini until August. You will stop hanging on one topic, thinking about one person. He wants brightness, diversity, live communication. Between April and August, old friends may again appear in your life, or situations will resemble old experiences. You’ll have to deal with what you once said, promised. It is possible that your new meetings with old friends will return pleasant memories to you and may become a source of new expectations, but do not rush things. And what’s for sure - look closely at new friends. This is not the best time to let someone unfamiliar into your life.
The last decade of July and the first days of August are the time of unusual luck. Favorable are long trips or any hobbies, classes in clubs of interest. August is the month when you should go to visit and receive guests at home. An opportunity to share achievements and show off your creative successes. August 15 is an auspicious day for registering a relationship or start dating.
The new moon of September 17 heralds the Virgo update of vital stories and themes. Discoveries can hurt your pride and arouse jealousy. Information will flow into your hands and you will find out everything that concerns you, if only you vaguely want it. You can feel how some mysterious unknown forces (or people?) support you. Beware of hasty conclusions and deeds. Changes can be lasting but also make life difficult for you.
In October and November, you can sharply curtail contacts, go into the shadows, develop new ideas in solitude. Your hands will finally reach many things in the house. Those close to you will be glad of your unexpectedly awakened interest in the little things of family life and how coolly you realize their dreams. From September 27 to December 1, your lord Mercury will be in the loop in the sign of Scorpio. You will make many discoveries, arrange a “questioning with bias” for your loved one, or find a way to get answers to your questions in some other way. This is a symbolic period for the senses. Your pragmatism will help to dwell on the best option.
The new moon on December 14 promises the Virgo a new and positive turn in affairs and relations. Perhaps you will experience disappointment before this, but the new moon promises that your insults and disappointments are already in the past. On this day, you must promise yourself to be happy. It’s good to start something, fix your decisions, talk with your loved ones, discuss plans for the future.
Health horoscope for Virgo for 2020
In January, you may suffer from your own hobbies. It is better to abandon the idea of going camping in unfamiliar or uninhabited places, in the mountains, underground. Take care of the musculoskeletal system. In February and March, lethargy, spleen, and lack of motivation can be felt. Fortify yourself with vitamins and keep in mind that you need bright light to stay awake. In May, August, and September you will be full of strength. But October and November can cause an exacerbation of psychosomatic illnesses. “All diseases are from nerves” - you will feel it on yourself if you do not tune in to perceive everything that is happening calmly and without prejudice. December will return you a good tone. This is a good month to travel.
Virgo in the year of the White Rat
Auspicious year for Virgos engaged in creative activities. Even if your work is not creative, you will find activities that will decorate your life and the environment. You may have to travel through the maze of events, but you will always find both entrance and exit. This is a good year to make stocks, replenish a bank account. Spending is best reduced.
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