How 2020 Has Been The Year Of Acceptance For Me

How 2020 Has Been The Year Of Acceptance For Me

    I can't believe how fast this year is moving!
    I never make goals or resolutions for the year but this year has been so far a little different in terms of making some shift to my self-awareness. I have decided to me more "accepting" this year. Accepting myself, accepting life just the way it shows up, and accepting my reality! More significantly, accepting the real me, my life with all goods and bads', to appreciate life; even during a global pandemic!

    Even though this pandemic has robbed us of livelihoods, companionships, jobs, social connections, and much more; we're trying to find our ways back to accepting this new life! And I want to anchor my focus to see what I've received as gifts during this difficult time. Even though life is now all about masks, social distancing, following hygiene practices, contactless connections, and online ordering; I now see so many important things [about my needs and others], outside my bubble! It gave me a lens to better understand the 'meaning' of my life. And meaning is the anchor that connects us to ourselves and to the world!  

    The key to living an authentic life can be found only within ourselves. No judgment, validation can stop us from loving our true self. We all deserve love and respect irrespective of our bank balance, success levels, or qualification. The spark within us shouldn't diminish by the lack of other people's approvals. The truth is that we are all worthy, and our true self is beautiful, valuable, and infinitely deserving of happiness, friendship, and love.

    Believe: You're worthy of giving and receiving love.
    Believe: You're a wonder human being who has been gifted a kind heart. Continue spreading kindness within and beyond you.

    There are so many people out there waiting to meet us, and know us. Do not hide or fear taking yourself out to them. It's absolutely okay if some relationships didn't go well! We all make mistakes. Don't we? But that should not stop you from being your kind self, and connecting with others around you.

    For me: Being kind and being myself is much more easier than being somebody else for everybody!

    I have decided to accept all parts of me (good, bad, and the ugly) in reality that I don't like, with this belief that there's always room for love and kindness irrespective of what mistakes I do. Hope these tips will help you too in being more accepting of yourself- just the way you are!

    1. Accept Yourself In Every Situation

    Avoid all kinds of self-doubts and criticisms in your head. Acknowledge all of yourself- the good and the things you wish to see improvements! Sometimes accepting yourself in reality or your life in the current situation can be very hard, but the realization of your present self and situation can make you more happier and tolerant.

    2. Identify your Parts

    To accept yourself fully you must trace your steps to see what have you done to reach your goals and success or where did you go wrong to be a failure. Once you know what you're dealing with you can work towards making those "parts" of you better than before.

    3. Accept your Mistakes

    The most liberating thought one can have about self is, "is by accepting them in the first place; and secondly by simply saying 'sorry'! Only when you admit your mistakes, you can open doors to improvement. You can't fix things until you realize there's a problem. Do not view your mistakes as your failures, rather accept them as your learning and move ahead with hope and lots of courage in your heart, and believe that it can be fixed!

    4. Own your outcomes

    We are the result of our choices every single day. Isn't it? So, instead of blaming yourself for the bad consequences, try to redo the tasks that didn't turn out the way you expected. Refocus only on the matters that's important in your life, and accept the rest that has happened. Reconnect to the best version of yourself from where you're right now in your current situation. Letting go of what you wished for, and or any kind of old paradigms will set you free from inner turmoil, and will create new space for fresh start ups.

    5. Accept that struggle will always be a part of your real life

    Struggles are and will always remain as part of our life. Each one of us are struggling to navigate through our easy and hard patterns of life; we rise, we fall, but we learn and survive. Let's confront it! It is also true that, sometimes our difficult challenges hold the most deserving opportunities too! So keep your heads up and go for it. Learn to be comfortable with whatever struggles you're having now. Remember, these days will pass soon too.

    We are a sum of our strengths plus our weaknesses. So reconnect to your higher self.

    To accept the reality, it is always good to focus on your competencies, your strengths. Make a list of all the positive qualities within you, your strengths, your uniqueness that defines only you, the values you swear to live by, and everything you have achieved so far. Once you see how differently you are unique, it will get easy to accept your negatives, your weaknesses. Any kind of negativity reinforces destructive self-talks. So try to avoid all such underlying presumptions and negative discussions. Try to see a way out to work on the qualities/habits you dislike about yourself. Remember, it is always possible if you think it's possible.  Enhance your connections with more supportive and encouraging people around you.

    Try practicing these steps and see yourself beaming with the joy of gratification, abundance, and self-compassion igniting the spark within you. And accepting yourself truly and accepting your present life authentically and daringly will get so much easier!

    Stay with me for more posts here or head over to my blog that will inspire you to make some good changes, that will fill your life with more joy and happiness- no matter how many complaints you have right now!

    Main Image Credit- Photo by Luke Pennystan on Unsplash 



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