How To Attract A Virgo

    Heya all. 

    Its Sunday and where has the weekend gone. 

    Another week approaching again stay strong stay safe. 

    Yesterday i was a little bit inside my own head trying to wrap my head around things. 

    Sometimes you end up tying your thoughts in knots and making yourself ill so i decided to go for a social distance run on my local coastal path. 

    It really got me thinking about what i want from life and the company i keep. 

    Trying to get people to value who you are  is a difficult task when all they ever see is their own gain from the situation. 

    So this afternoon I've decided to blog about Virgos yes i am one myself. 

    So im connecting on all levels here and i have some knowledge to share. 

    Weither your in a partnership or friendship with a virgo and you find us a little bit hard to read well i have some insights here for you all.

    A virgo women isn't afraid to say how she feels sometimes shes too open with emotions. 

    But when the information isn't received by the other party we don't take to lightly to rejection or misunderstanding of characteristics. 

    We want people to to understand our need for space and sometimes quite time.

    Without people feeling weird around us we dont mean to make people feel that way we are just processing our surroundings.

    Now virgo likes to flirt but on their own terms dont come on to strong or vulgar it puts us of people quickly which could lead to virgo dismissing the connection all together. 

    Good conversation is needed but not constant talking as ive said before virgo likes quite time. 

    We don't feel awkward in quite situations we are again processing our surroundings and trying to connect to your energy. 

    Now ego where do i start with this... 

    We do love someone who's got direction in life but even if they haven't got there life in order we still love them anyway. 

    But we dislike a huge egotistical presence.

    Being confident and egotistical aren't in the same bracket infact being confident is quite attractive to a virgo but being egotistical isn't something we look for in a partnership or a freindship.

    You know the types of people who are all me, me, me. 

    Never ask you about your lifestyle it's all about them virgo isn't down for that.

    A virgo can be a very good soulmate connection for someone who's willing to compromise and work on situations. 

    A virgo will disagree if they dont agree with other peoples views on life. 

    We are strong-willed and can be stubborn at times but we see at the end of it all everything worked out the way it was intended.

    Virgos love unconditionally and give everything they have for that one true soulmate. 

    And they dont give up so easily. 

    A connection with a virgo will be far from easy but it will be life changing and worth it. 

    They know their worth and know their limits when it comes to difficult situations.

    Virgos are very passionate and with the right person and being able to let go of control they are the most passionate lovers. 

    But again if the virgo has deep down issues with confidence or self esteem this side to them will be hidden or even can be shown as standoffish behaviour or uninterested until they find themselves again.

    We are quite unique virgos we have a lot to offer to another human being but don't break a Virgos heart otherwise you will be in trouble. 

    Takes time for us to heal and we do forgive in time and even reconsider a connection again but it must be truthful honest and open when it comes to emotional issues.

    To all you Virgos out there i send you love ? 

    Stacie  ❤️ ❤️ 






    • Julia M Julia M :

      Can we have more of these posts?! Hehe, love the format!

      4 years ago 

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