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If I am writing this, it means that we have entered the last month of summer, while the nostalgia that my favorite period of the year ends, July was indeed good to me and there are a couple of memorable items that should go on the list.
Prague city break
Probably the most beautiful European capital, it’s definitely a place I will never forget. From food to sightseeing, the city took our breath away and made us fall in love with it. A full review will follow, but in the meantime, I will do some teasing with the photos.
Electric Castle festival
If it’s July in Cluj, it means that it’s the time of the festivals! Although I don’t plan on going to the other big festival this year (Untold), I did had an amazing time at Electric Castle. Loved it so much that I already brought the tickets for the following year without even knowing the date or the lineup. Apart from the festival atmosphere, the show made by 30 Seconds to Mars really stole my heart, same goes for Florence and the Machines. Cannot wait to see who will be on the lineup for 2020!
I love big books and I cannot lie!
From Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series, to My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan and Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, June was definitely filled with amazing books.
Ever since I saw the movie appear on Netflix I keep on postpone seeing it until I am done with reading at least the first book written by Jenny Han, and I have to admit it was worth the wait. Loved the book series, I think the first one is the best, the movie is also a pretty decent one given the fact that it’s a teenage movie. After going through the 3 books, I needed something more serious and read Breakfast at Tiffany’s on the plane to Prague. Even if for this one, I’ve seen the movie years ago, I have to admit the movie and the book are one on one with the plot, probably one of the few.
The last book for this month, My Oxford Year, got me mixed feelings. I am not sure if I loved it, or just thought that it was sad. Bottom line the story is one that will make you cry and emphasize with the main character, read it with an open mind and don’t be quick to judge, halfway through it will change dramatically.
Shopping time
Proud to say that I didn’t buy a single purse this month, come to think of it, I didn’t do much shopping until the last weekend of the month when I finally got the chance to get to the mall. The items that caught my attention were from organic cotton 3 white t-shirts and two pairs of short jeans that I plan on wearing both to work and outside it.
Seeing this category getting smaller was one of the items from my resolution so I am happy that is started to pay off (finally). Even though this was just one in many, I have to admit that we are now way passed the middle of the year and it is time to have a pick at the list that we each made at the beginning of the year and see where we stand with them, since we don’t want December to take us by surprise. Happy summertime!
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