Lazy Days Are Essential

    Hi FP Friends ,

    Hope you all well and good and still coping during this crazy pandemic.

    My topic today is something that I rather feel guilty about , but then I realized that Lazy Days Are Essential and that one should not feel guilty of a day of absolute NOTHING ! 

    Especially if you have a busy mind like me or just a busy bee in general and just can't sit back and relax, siting and chilling may feel daunting when it shouldn't.

    Even during COVID-19 one will feel that you not doing enough and you need to fill your time with something and you cannot bring yourself to it because of corona vibes. Yes, you know what I mean I just cannot get to the exact point of explaining myself, but you know maybe this pandemic gave us the realization that things are not in our control and we should not be that hard on ourselves and that we should give ourselves that BREAK for doing nothing even if its that ONE day of wasting time.

    Do you feel guilty of taking lazy days? I would love to know

    Lets SEIZE the LAZY DAY , yes you take that LAZY DAY and enjoy!   



    • Caroline B Caroline B :

      I definitely feel guilty taking lazy days, especially when I have a lot of work to get done, but I've realized that in the long run they actually make me more productive! If I can take a day off and spend it relaxing, I am usually more motivated the next day to get more work done. So I'm working on allowing myself to be lazy without feeling guilty afterwards!

      3 years ago 
      • Nabeelah I Nabeelah I :

        Yes girl ! You could not have said it any better. I agree that one does feel like you gained extra energy and feel more motivated👏. Thanks for your feedback 😊

        3 years ago 
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