

New Year Resolutions - How to Set Your 2020 Goals + FREE Template

New Year Resolutions - How to Set Your 2020 Goals + FREE Template

    Happy New Year to you! Was your slide into 2020 so happy that you ended up with a major hangover on the first day of the year? Probably that’s how most of us would describe it, so you’re not entirely alone. You probably didn’t feel like writing up your goals for 2020 yesterday either, but today is new bright (and better) day! You might be looking at your screen thinking that new years resolutions are a boring cliche on people’s lips now, but they’ll forget them in two week’s time.

    That might happen to you as well if you don’t set your goals for the New Year properly. On this fabulous and probably frosted second of January day, we’re coming up with New Year’s Resolutions and I’m teaching you exactly how to set goals for 2020 that will actually come true.

    You’re probably so caught up in the day to day life including going to work, coming home and dealing with household tasks, perhaps also managing side projects as well that you don’t have time to even consider your life goals. In how many instances did you ask yourself these questions: Am I happy with my life? Am I in love with my job? Am I satisfied with my relationships? Am I as healthy as I should be? Allow me to guess here, not too often. Before we explain more, try to find new ways of dealing with stress. There are various reasons why you plan everything else to a T, but your own life. Number one is time. Ah, time is so precious, so appreciate it more and make the most out of it when you have it. It’s a luxury nowadays. Another very plausible reason can be fear. We don’t want to see plans on paper because we feel a certain pressure to achieve them. However, the latter can only happen if you’re wrongly setting your goals. Let’s have a look at how to set goals for 2020 and watch them come true during the year.

    Focus on a maximum of 5 areas of life improvement

    As busy individuals we tend to forget to focus in detail on various areas of our lives. You might put your career on the first plan and make sacrifices that sometimes are unjustified such as working late nights or looking at emails during weekends (emergencies excluded here). What you might not realise is that your wellbeing will be affected in the long term, because by working longer hours you push your bed time and become sleep deprived. By becoming sleep deprived, you’ll start craving more sugar and become unhealthy. You also allocate less time to your leisure activities which are as important. I’m also guilty of not engaging in leisure activities because I prioritise my side projects, but I ensure to always keep a balance.

    To avoid that unhappy life scenario, how are you then going to set your goals for 2020 that will actually come true?

    Focus on a maximum of 5 areas of improvement in your life. These can be:

    • Health
    • Relationships (all kind)
    • Career
    • Lifestyle
    • Wealth

    Pick just 3 main goals in each area

    After you’ve decided on your areas of life improvement, you have to pick just 3 main goals in each area. Keep it simple. Your goal plan for 2020 doesn’t have to look and (God forbid) feel daunting at all. I can give you some ideas below on some areas, but you can add up all areas and complete yours with 3 goals per area:

    • Career

    Goal 1: Develop an expert knowledge in Social Media Management

    • Lifestyle

    Goal 1: Be able to work more flexibly and attend the Wednesday evening football training

    • Wealth

    Goal 1: Increase my earnings by 30-40% by 2021

    Write up the actions you need to reach your goal

    Now that you have established your three goals for each area, don’t forget to write up the actions you need to undertake for setting your goals for 2020 that will actually come true.

    Area: Career

    Goal: Develop an expert knowledge in Social Media Management

    Action: Spend time daily / weekly on LinkedIn Courses, YouTube tutorials, reading well reviewed books on the subject, overshadowing someone at work in the social media team.

    Area: Lifestyle

    Goal: Be able to work more flexibly and attend the Wednesday evening football training

    Action: If you’re employed by a company, see what flexible working options you have available and discuss the importance for your wellbeing to practice this sport; if you’re working for yourself, make sure you free up your schedule during the time and keep them in your diary like they are business meetings.

    Area: Wealth

    Goal: Increase my earnings by 30-40% by 2021

    Action: Attend masterclasses on different income streams (add the exact masterclass & price here), negotiate a raise (add your plan), invest money (add your research) start up a business (although this is not a get money fast option, just do it for the right reasons and it will pay off in the long term). Your options are endless, you just need to do a lot of research and it will happen for you.

    Take baby steps into achieving your goals – no need to go at full speed now

    It’s amazing to dream big, but remember to plan in years and action in months and days. Dreams don’t work until you don’t, but keep it realistic. Go as detailed as deciding how much time you have available per week for working on your goals. Include your weekends as well; they’re no longer there for free time only because quite frankly if you want something badly, you need to do some sacrifices here.

    How will you measure your success?

    Your success matters and it’s important to find specific ways of measuring it. If you’ve included courses in your plan, mark your completion and the information you’ve just learnt as your success. I would say, also mark your implementation of what you’ve learnt as a greater success. Follow this technique and you’ll have no problem of keeping track of your goals and making them come true.

    But that’s not everything, because I want you to have an amazing 2020, I created this New Year’s Resolutions How to set goals for 2020 That will Actually Come True TEMPLATE where you can easily fill in everything you’ve just went through in today’s article. Download it today, totally for FREE here and get working on your dreams. 

    Have a fabulous year ahead,

    Andrada, NotAGirlyGal

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