Pack a backpack with the style “What you do not have, you do not need” or Top 5+5 minimalistic beauties

Pack a backpack with the style “What you do not have, you do not need” or Top 5+5 minimalistic beauties

Hey all :))

“… three, four…, six, seven…, ten. Before the door, behind the door, nobody should stand or I will not play with you! I am going!” Let’s play a game? Cool, so the meeting is on the garden of my grandma in Breclav, Czech Republic. And it will be even a young wine! :) But today I have a little different game for you. The traveling game. I think that you will like it. :)

How big a minimalist you are?

The eternal ending topic for the travelers, whether we are going anywhere. What to pack?

Each of us is unique and we always have the different needs. Someone is an experienced more, someone is less, someone has bigger needs and other does not really need too much. The friend Google throws us the dozens of tricks, tips, how and what to pack. Each of us prefers something a little different, divergent. But maybe we will find some universal beauties which each of us uses on the trips and with which our trip is easier and more comfortable. Let us all be inspired and inspire each other…

Follow the link for the continuation :))

yours Kate with LOVE :))

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