"The first key to ridding yourself of limiting subconscious beliefs is to become aware of them"

-Jen Sincero

My list of to-dos is through the roof. School, blog, Instagram, coaching business, along with being a good daughter, girlfriend, and friend is a lot! And yes, I totally am putting this pressure on myself, but I can still lose myself in it all every once and a while.

So today, I am taking charge. I need to find the positivity in things again and let go of everything that is nagging at me. To do so I figured I would pull out a book I read earlier this year, You are a Badass by Jen Sincero.

Jen Sincero found a great way to talk about the law of attraction in this book that is fun, easy, and super entertaining. As you read it you feel empowered, not degraded for not having taken charge of your life earlier.

The gist of the law of attraction is you get back what you put in. Typically we spend our time pointing out flaws and saying things like "I don't have enough money" or "I will never get that job." According to the law of attraction, you will never have enough money or get that job if you tell yourself that.

The point is, you need to change your way of thinking. Be positive, but also reassure yourself that you have what it takes to reach your goals. Sincero suggests doing 2 things in order to help you on the path of this new mindset: set affirmations and show gratitude.

I decided that I would share my affirmations and bits of gratitude with you, in order to hopefully inspire you into setting some for yourself!


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