Good Afternoon all.
I hope you are all well I've been so busy the last few days with work and home life I've also been feeling a bit drained by certain energies but its now the weekend so its time to let that go and focus on myself.
I really enjoy doing these weekly guidance blogs because i love giving something back to you all i love sharing my spiritual energy with you all.
Lets get the formal bit out the way and i can start processing the messages and guidance for you all.
Disclaimer please note that weekly guidance blog post are for entertainment purpose only please take what resonates with you and leave the rest please note that its for all signs also.
The next few weeks there will be a lot of you who will be letting a lot go and choosing to move forwards there has been a period of stagnate energy nothings been moving on in fact i feel a lot has changed for a lot of you.
Trying times i feel are now passing but i feel most of you need to really sit and think about future plans only movement forward is needed not revisiting the past what's left in the past should stay in the past.
I have been drawn to six tarot cards today im now going to share with you each interpretation.
First Card
Six Of Pentacle's
The main meaning of the Six of Pentacles is that it is a card of sharing. Often, this card represents giving or receiving financial assistance, but in some cases, it can symbolize generosity with love, feelings, support, etc.
Typically, the Six of Pentacles predicts that charity being given and received.
If you are in financial hardship and have received the Six of Pentacles, you will be given a chance to recover.
Help is coming you need to trust that better times are coming and don't be worried to ask others for help and support you must not allow your pride to get in the way.
Second Card
The Chariot
As you trudge along the pilgrimage of life, it is inevitable to experience rough and bumpy roads. But bear in mind that this too shall pass.
The upright position of the chariot card denotes the will to surpass difficult problems and the drive to break insurmountable boundaries. It gives a message that when you persist in winning challenges and obstacles, victory is surely within reach.
When you are in proper and full control of your affairs, you can easily achieve your goals and desires in life.
Again spirit has spoken and its all about moving forward taking charge and understanding that progress is needed in order to move forward but this card also indicated that you need to have a clear vision of where your going in order to guide yourself on to the correct path and go ahead without fear.
Third Card
The Star
The Star's presence signifies a period of respite and renewal for you. This renewal may be spiritual, physical, or both. It is a particularly positive sign if you or someone close is recovering from illness or injury. It is a light in the darkness, illuminating your future and your past.
The light at the end of the tunnel card with the star its showing you that with a little bit of faith and trust in your own abilities you will be overcoming your current situation i also feel you have become stronger within yourselves in order to make changes in your mindset for future goals.
Fourth Card
Page of Wands
The Page of Wands in Tarot stands for being creative, enthusiastic, confident, and courageous. This card also considers spiritual concepts. Depending on the accompanying cards, at times the Page of Wands may further imply that the entire situation is immersed in the spirit of excitement and adventure. Again, depending on the circumstances, the Page of Wands can also suggest a presence of a young-at-heart adult or a child with whom you would interact. Such interactions may involve independence, high energy, risky behaviour, or shared enthusiasm.
The Page of wands card indicates a risk taker a dreamer someone who is living life and full of energy highly addictive trait to fall inline with.
I don't believe this card is fearful its here to show us all that we all need excitement in our lives and to truly treasure the memories that we have the ones that are yet to come.
Let out your wild side and be free without fear.
Fifth Card
Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles rushes to your side, bringing forth gifts of financial blessings, professional movement, stability and nobility.
He is a man of positive nature who takes responsibilities for his actions and is telling you that you should be responsible for yours as well. You are a dependable person, with good instincts who is watchful as well as a good physical leader.
The Knight of Pentacles offers protective assistance, a sense of duty as well as loyalty. He is practical and athletic. If this Knight represents you as the querent, then you are a super protective kind of person whose sense of duty and loyalty really motivates your life experience.
You are able to see the expansive side of things in life, the potential that all of the world possesses should we only take a hold and allow it to move us. You are going through a happy transit of the pursuit of success and abundance.
For all of you that are experiencing hardship at the moment this is your card and message from spirit saying hold fire this hardship is coming to an end the cogs in the wheel are starting to turn again don't give up hope.
Good news is coming soon...
Sixth Card
Three of Cups.
Three of Cups, you will see three women lifting their cups up in the air in a celebration of some sort. Good times are in the air, for the three ladies have wreaths made of flowers in their hair.
Wreaths are often associated with success and victory, so their happiness is well deserved. The ladies are also seen standing on top of a field of flowers and fruit, further adding to the joyful feelings in this card.
There are feelings of beauty, growth, compassion and happiness that the women share between each other.
The meaning behind the Three of Cups represents a period of happiness. You will be able to forget the worries of your daily life and spend quality time with family and friends.
To see the Three of Cups can indicate a happy reunion with a long lost friend, relative, or loved one. It can also mean a celebration, whether it is your own or for someone who you love. The event can be a birthday, wedding, or any other happy occasion. In general, it is about spending quality time with people you cherish in your life.
I hope you have enjoyed your weekly guidance post please share like and comment below.
With love
Stacie xx#seashellsandlipglossblog

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